SeeMeCNC Accelerometer probe board
I'd say get one of the Smart Effectors... I do NOT believe it makes sense to include firmware support as just a very few people may use this piece of hardware.... (still have on in my box of parts I ripped out of different printers
The problem with that is I don't want to use magnetic arms, I already have some nice TrickLaser CF arms. Also, I don't have the money to buy even more parts. I would get one of SeeMe's remixes of the smart effector, but they don't sell them individually (only as a fully assembled effector with a hotend) and I already have a Prometheus.
About the few people using them, it seems SeeMe is out of stock almost as soon as they get stock, I had to wait a few weeks to get mine.
Had the cf arms as well, I mean, I still have them, but I wanted to rebuild my second delta, but never happend... ...
so you could create a mount for the arms to the Smart Effector shouldn't be too complicated, if you need some help there let me know.You have the Tricklaser Trucks?
But money is the problem ... got the point\
If you want an easy and cheap solution, go for the pressure sensors...
Seeing as its i2c based i suspect the answer is "no" due to the length of the wiring required, just as it is with the prusa laser sensor. The microcontroller adapter is probably your best bet.
That's neat and all @Dougal1957, but I don't have the money for that right now. I'll think about it later. It'd be another $100+ for me to get all that ignoring the fact I'm using a Prometheus instead of a V6,
This board works fine AFAIK on the Rostock MAX V3 with a RAMBo, why wouldn't it work on my scratch built 3.2 with a duet? The electronics are up in the top now, so the wire runs wouldn't be horrendously long. If it's really too much to add support to RRF for it I'll just do Mhackney's method. Seems kinda silly imo though.
@curieos remind me - does the accelerometer board output a signal to indicate triggered/not triggered or does the I2C signal go all the way back to the RAMBO etc?
@t3p3tony said in SeeMeCNC Accelerometer probe board:
@curieos remind me - does the accelerometer board output a signal to indicate triggered/not triggered or does the I2C signal go all the way back to the RAMBO etc?
It goes all the way back to the controller.
I recall from the SeeMeCNC forum that users reported issues with noise interfering with the I2C signal. AFAIR they had to probe with the hot end heater off. I think I also saw a report that the triggering was OK with a glass bed but not consistent enough when using a PEI bed.
This is the best to use stock seemecnc or trick laser arms and trucks with smart effector. -
@jmjcoke Yeah, someone already posted that
@curieos said in SeeMeCNC Accelerometer probe board:
@T3P3Tony @dc42 I did see the note about repeatability, though that seems to be due to MHackney having multiple beds he swaps out. I only have one bed I plan to use. Is this something you can add compatibility for, or do you think the user experience is too poor?
Adding support to the main firmware for an I2C device such as this was discussed a long time ago and from memory we decided it was too unreliable, and there were better options out there (including the SeeMeCNC replacement).
Cheap Solution
Okay, thanks Tony. I'll figure out a solution.
The FSRs wont work for this, the bed isn't mounted the way it used to be.
The bed mounts on 6 of these specially shaped plastic pieces, and then the clamps press down on the glass. I can conceive of a way to mount them, but there's a multitude of problems it creates (how does the glass get clamped to the bed? how does the PCB get clamped to the insulator? The insulator has a new design that would require a properly mating part to act as the support on the FSR). Plus I'd have to run 3 wires down the towers of my already nearly finished printerI'm going to use a Teensy (I have so many) to communicate with the accel probe and then have that act as the in-between. I'll probably use the onboard DAC to set the trigger voltage so I can adjust the trigger point on the duet, or just use PWM and a cap to smooth it out a little. If I get some money later on and decide it's worth it I'll get one of the smart effectors.
Looks like the accel board straight up won't work with the Duet. The thermistor ground is common with all the fans, so if I connect it to the thermistor header it causes the bed and hotend thermistors to vary wildly.