IR Probe Z-Offset to big???
Hello Friends,
since a few days I use a IR Probe (from DC42).
I calibrated it like the description here:
I attached my config settings:
The problem is, my Z-Probe offset is about 11mm. Normally it should be 1-2mm I think. But the probe triggers at these distance.
Through this big distance I have measurement errors for each prints...
New IR Probes will arrive in a few days, then i can test other Probes...
Any sugestions here?
Thank you a lot!!!
Hi. Cant see your config, but 1-2 mm should be Z height, it is distants from nozzle to bed at the moment when probe triggers. So, if you probe triggers, when it is 11 mm from bed, then you should move it up from nozzle, let say 10 mm, so when probe triggers, your nozzle will be about 1 mm from bed. I hope my bad english makes sense...
Yes I made this,... but then after restart the printer... the probe triggers at 11mm again...
Here are the settings...
Sounds like you didnt calibrate your Z height properly. Did you follow exactly this: ? Especially this in point 7 : Send command G30 S-1. People often forget to add that S-1 and sending S1 instead.
@cr3d You set the Z offset to 11.38, so it would trigger at 11mm.
Yes I made exactly this (the probe height was about 2mm)... it worked for a time ...but after a restart (unplug) the Probe triggers wide away from the bed.
So i set the trigger height to this high it works, but I have big errors between each print....
It always triggered at this height... if I set the value to about 2mm then i print about 10mm in the air...
If it's triggering (and the red led illuminating, not flashing rapidly) 11mm above the bed, please ask your supplier to replace the sensor. A small number of sensors have this issue with some bed surfaces. I made a firmware change a few weeks ago to address it.
@dc42 Thank you!!!
I have already doubted myself!
Ok... i want to report the results...
After I changed the IR Probe... the error was gone ..
Thank you dc42!Sometimes there is a little error between the measurements... I think I should slow down the speeds...