Duet 3 demo at TCT
@wilriker I gave you an English lesson, not an American lesson.
They drive on the wrong side of the road and use all the wrong words for parts of cars (trunk instead of boot, hood instead of bonnet etc).
@deckingman; but at least they don't call a damper a shock absorber, which technically is the spring!
Edit: Conversations that are not intended as formal publications (particularly online) being pulled off track into irrelevant discussions in grammer, spelling, or other language technicalities is a pet hate of mine.
By all means raise questions when the use of language has left the message unclear but otherwise it serves little purpose.
@doctrucker Fair comment - and apologies. (Although sometimes a little light relief can be welcome).
@deckingman no worries!
@phaedrux said in Duet 3 demo at TCT:
USB webcam support and easy time lapses
+1 for a plug and play camera.
A simple way to plug in a small off the shelf camera (Aliexpress generic modules or DueCam) would be a great addition. Being able to view the stream remotely in the web interface.
@dc42 said in Duet 3 demo at TCT:
It will be a smart tool board, handling at least an extruder motor, heater, temperature sensor, 2 fans and a Z probe.
What about support material? Add either an additional servo header or a stepper heater and temp sensor, maybe up the amperage allowed on the fan headers (or generic pwm headers) for larger builds so that pwm header could allow for small brushed motors to be controlled by that same circuit board? I have some ideas lingering that might expand the machine capabilities of the duet3.
Apart from lots of assurances that it will cost more than the current range of boards, has there been any ball park figures mentioned?
This looks like a potentially good upgrade path for my CNC rotuer that is currently running LinuxCNC with a Gecko G540.
But the one thing I cant seem to find an answer to is whether or not a Trinamic based board will be able to abort a job using stall detection for every move, but still use regular hard and soft limit switches for homing and travel limits. Its my understanding that homing using stall detection is less precise, so its desirable to keep the inductive limit switches for homing and use stall detection to try and minimize damage if screwing up the CAM and crashing the tool.
Can someone take my money for this yet? I void every warranty I touch when it comes to my own stuff, I am COMPLETELY okay with highly experimental, hell practically describes my life XD
I don't see anything on anyone's github so I can't even pay a pcb manufacturer to make one for me on my own.
When will you take my money?
@noskillzengineer Get in the queue ...........
@deckingman and that queue is growing already lol
When the Duet 3 arrives I'm more than willing to help people dispose of their used Duet Ethernets!
Hi everybody i a building a large 3d printer but now don t know whether to wait for the duet 3 ethernet or buy the duet 2 ethernet
according to the specs pf the duet 3 seems to have some good improvements over the duet 2
what do you think guys ? -
@carlos5 said in Duet 3 demo at TCT:
what do you think guys ?
Carlos, how long are you willing to wait?
well i think can wait until it s released provided it s released this year as the printer is going to be quite large around 1 meter long all sides
looking at the duet 3 specs seems to be good for large projects
but of course that s on paper because we really don t know how is going to perform against the long tested duet 2 once buyers start having their hands on them
so maybe you guys with more experience with the duet boards can tell if the improvement of the duet 3 over the duet 2 is worth the wait
thanks for your comments i appreciate it -
I'm coming from a slightly different angle on this. From a techy side I'd like to be on the current but trying to keep significant upgrades on my machines to an as needed basis only - or I suddenly become more flush with cash!
I'm running on previous generation Duets - v0.6 - with noisey Steppers and not able to use the 2.0+ firmware. That said with a cantilever other than the lack of ringing damping/suppression control I'm not getting close to the limits of the board. Through careful testing and often dragged out investigation I'm picking off issues with the frame, extruder, hotend and heatbeds rather than hitting v0.6 limits. The longer I leave the upgrade the more likely other bits will be available too, be that a responsive magnetic filament sensor that moves toward a closed loop extruder or even the duet 3s.
If you are only using single or dual extruder without mixing and the stepper motors that you have picked are within the range of the duet 2 you'd be hard pushed to hit the limits of the duet 2 in the short term as you also learn about and evaluate the performamce of the new build machine.
With a new build you've plenty of enjoyment to be had from getting that running well. Save the 'bonus' of the Duet 3 until it is needed and you will appreciate it more then when performance improvements are thin on the ground. If you go this way Duets tend to have a strong resale value on ebay, even the v0.6 boards are still strong sellers.
For what it is worth last I hearf the Duet 3 will be marketed as a premium product in the Duet family, rather than replacing the Duet 2.
@carlos5 said in Duet 3 demo at TCT:
well i think can wait until it s released provided it s released this year as the printer is going to be quite large around 1 meter long all sides
looking at the duet 3 specs seems to be good for large projects
but of course that s on paper because we really don t know how is going to perform against the long tested duet 2 once buyers start having their hands on them
so maybe you guys with more experience with the duet boards can tell if the improvement of the duet 3 over the duet 2 is worth the wait
thanks for your comments i appreciate itIMO the Duet Ethernet and Wi-Fi are excellent boards and will likely be more than capable of doing what you want. But it depends a bit on what size motors you think you'll need to lift a bed that big. Also a one meter square printer will need substantial rails to prevent sagging so the moving mass is going to be quite high. So I think a good starting point would be to spec the motors that you think you'll need, then see if the Duet 2 series maximum motor current of 2.4 Amps will be adequate. I suspect it will be but you need to do the calculations. If it helps, I use a single Nema17 running at 1800 mA to drive my 400mm x 400mm x 10mm think aluminium bed via 3off 8mm x 1mm lead screws and a continuous belt without any gearing. Each of my CoreXY gantries has a moving mass of about 1.5kg and these are all driven by the same spec motors.
The other consideration is the number of stepper drivers. The limit for the Duet2 series is 5 on the main board plus 5 on the Duex5 expansion board plus 2 external drivers via the CON_LCD connector. The Duet 3 will support more stepper drivers via Can Bus expansion boards. AFAIK, the main board will have 6 drivers and each expansion board will have another 3. I don't know if there is a limit on the number of expansion boards but I do know that the expansion capability will allow for many more stepper drives (which is good news for me because I have an immediate need for 13 and a future need for a few more).
One final point that is important to me but may not be for you, is that with Duet2 series, all the wiring has to go back to the main board or the expansion board which has to be located very close to the main board. In my case, I have 5 extruders on a moving carriage so that's 20 conductors. Plus all the other wires for the hot end (heater, thermistor, end stops, Z probe, lights, part fans, hot end fan etc). So that's something like 40 conductors that have to go though a cable chain and the be routed in and around the frame. Duet 3 will give me the ability to mount 2 expansion boards on the upper carriage, close to the extruders so I'll only need 4 conductors (2 power and 2 data) going through a much smaller cable chain.
@deckingman thank you for your response i apreciate it the printer will have two extruders and i
ll be buying nema 23 24v 3a they
ll be 5 motors plus the extruder s if i go with the duet 2 ethernet it will be with the duex5 expansion board too . What i read is that the duet 2 soport these motors
looking at the duet 3 specs it can soport these motors with eas -
@doctrucker thank you for the response I`ve been reading that the duet 3 is expected to be released on q3 this year
but that s not for sure it could very well be released at the end of the year or even the next one, who knows
now i think i am kind of thinking going with the duet 2 -
@carlos5 said in Duet 3 demo at TCT:
@deckingman thank you for your response i apreciate it the printer will have two extruders and i
ll be buying nema 23 24v 3a they
ll be 5 motors plus the extruder s if i go with the duet 2 ethernet it will be with the duex5 expansion board too . What i read is that the duet 2 soport these motors
looking at the duet 3 specs it can soport these motors with easI think you'll be fine with Duet 2 series. Running 3 Amp steppers at 2.4 amps would be ideal. If you only have 5 motors plus 2 extruders, you could consider using the Duex2 expansion board, rather than the Duex5.
well i think next week i ll be ordering the duet 2 ethernet thank you for your comments