Panel Due Dark Theme 2 issue
After being asked to update my Maestro and PaulDue 7i to the latest updates I have found the following issue. PanelDue Fw 1.23.2
In Dark Theme 2 the homing buttons do not change colour when device is homed.
Please see below.
This is not a show stopper for me, but I thought I would mention the issue.Light Theme
Dark Theme 1
Dark Theme 2
BR. Paul.
That's odd. On my printers, in Dark Theme 2 the homing buttons are yellow when the printer is not homed, and dark grey when it is.
Before Homing
After Homing
My feelings it should be the other way, maybe?
The colours on PanelDue mimic the colours used in DWC, i.e. a bright colour (yellow or orange) when the axis is not homed, to alert you to that fact.