Power supply advice please
i just looked and i got a 300w 25amp 12v pwu
anyone like to recomend a good 12v psu needs to run 280w hotbed e3d hotend 2 fans and 5 motors running at 800mw each
See https://duet3d.com/wiki/Choosing_the_power_supply. But consider whether an upgrade to 24V would be beneficial, see https://duet3d.com/wiki/Choosing_stepper_motors#How_to_work_out_the_power_supply_voltage_you_need. Of course, if you do switch to 24V then you also need 24V heaters and fans.
do you know i did not even consider the amount of power draw from my heater bed i got a 12V 280W 300x300 SILICONE HEATED BED
so i would need a12v 300w 15 amp psu to run the bed aloneand in the mean time can i reduce the power consumption of my bed and wait longer for it to heat up
You could turn down the power supply voltage a little if it has a voltage adjustment potentiometer.
well if my math is right i need 350w now add 20% extra 470w that was rounded up never down
i want to stick with 12 volt i no it means things take longer to heat up but i have a stock pile of fans heater cartageso if i get a 500w PSU that is going to out put about 40amps is that not going to kill the duetwifi board
i mean thats some power supply also what size wire do i need for that -
Yes 450 or 500W sounds about right for your printer.
Can you confirm that you are using a SSR to control the bed heater? The Duet WiFi is rated at 15A bed heater current, but your heater will draw 23.3A.
no im not whats a ssr
ok i did say im no engineer but i do love this guy i think if you sent this guy a board asking him to do full review and setup blog it would help your sale to low tech peeps like me and boost your sales
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiEwNf1H_Tcthanks for the help good job ive only got low hours with my prnter plugged in ill get this sorted with out going stupid money what would be a good ssr to get
A solid state relay - a device to switch a large current using a small one. Used when you power your heatbed from mains power with a DC-AC SSR, or if you buy a DC-DC SSR from a second DC power supply. Usually they isolate the low current and high current side optically. A good idea if your print bed is larger than the usual 200x200mm as to achieve the desired 0.5W/cm2 requires a larger heater which draws more current than most controller boards can handle.
They can handle low frequency PWM for more precise control of bed temperature.
It is also possible to use a mechanical relay, but without PWM using bang bang mode.
thanks for this info i must off edited my above statement as you replyed
ok so had a look at ssr WOW how many there a lost here
can you recommend a good one with out killing my pocket
are am i looking for assr 40a dc ??
no im not whats a ssr
ok i did say im no engineer but i do love this guy i think if you sent this guy a board asking him to do full review and setup blog it would help your sale to low tech peeps like me and boost your sales
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiEwNf1H_Tcthanks for the help good job ive only got low hours with my prnter plugged in ill get this sorted with out going stupid money what would be a good ssr to get
I think you sent Tom one not long ago didn't you Tony?
i wish i had money to give away m8 sorry not me but i have ask before
would this do me
http://www.auberins.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=2_30&products_id=30No it wont as that is for an AC bed think you need one for DC so look at
hi again thanks for your help
i am trying to find one local but i do not fancy my chancesalso ran into this may help other so ill post it here
http://sublimelayers.blogspot.co.uk/2016/03/how-to-choose-ssr-to-drive-your-heated.htmlthink ill have to pay more for postage than i will for the part lol
where are you?
cost £29.31 pound shipped -
OK I think RS do some decent ones but not looked into it as I only ever use AC Heaters on My Printers so a bit of Valots drop is insignificant however at DC it is a major problem as you have found out?
well ive read a couple of poeple have ran into problems with 12v dc heaters (doh live and learn) and that the linked ssr above work well with just a heat sink
so my thinking is run a 32amp 400w psu via ssr to run my 12v 280w heat-bed leaving a big safety margin 40%
and then run my 25amp 300w psu to run my duetwifi board with all attached bits also leaving a large safety marginim thinking ill let it run like this for a year then ill iver by better psu when funds arrive are recycle the psu into new projects
any safety tips would be gratefully received
are safer ways to achieve me goals -
See the section on connecting a bed heater on the wiki. I included SSR recommendations in it.
Printers with beds larger than 200mm square are usually run with 24V power, to keep the bed heater current to manageable proportions. For example, if you had a 24v 280W bed heater instead of 12V 280W, the current draw would be 11.7A which is within the rating of the Duet WiFi.