Bed Temp Shows 2000C, Temp sensor is good
Hello, Duet Wifi board ver. 1.4.
gcode is:
M307 H0 A215.7 C711.5 D0.8 S1.00 B0
M305 P0 T10000 B3988 C0 R4700
M143 H0 S120
M307 H1 A270.7 C90.4 D6.7 B0 S1.0
M305 P1 T100000 B4138 C0 R4700
M143 H1 S280I have checked the crimps and I even tried 2 other termistors.
What else can I check.
Check that it's plugged into the correct place.
2000C is open circuit.
You can try swapping the hot-end and bed sensors. See if the problem stays on the same circuit, or if it follows the thermistor.
I swapped the hot end temp sensor with the bed temp sensor and the bed still shows 2000 and the hotend reads 16.8c.
Is the bed temp sensor tied to the bed power fuse?
But my bet is ac and connected to a ssr. -
Oh I forgot to mention that I have a Duet Duex 5 connected to the Duet Wifi.
If you swapped it and the bed still shows 2000C, then the problem isn't the sensor or the wiring to the sensor. If you connected it to the hotend sensor port and it reads 16.8°C then it's likely that the sensor itself is fine, the problem is that it's not plugged into the right place.
Take some photos of where things are plugged into, and we can probably sort out where things should be plugged into.
I do not have a Duex expansion, so I can't answer directly, but I didn't think that the Duex expanded the heat bed stuff, so you should probably be using the bed temperature port on the Duet itself.
@supraguy thanks for helping.

@quadcells said in Bed Temp Shows 2000C, Temp sensor is good:
M305 P0 T10000 B3988 C0 R4700
That says your bed thermistor is a 10K thermistor, which is correct for an Ormerod printer but not much else. Most 3D printers use 100K thermistors. Change T10000 to T100000.
@dc42 that did it. Nice catch.
LOL. Can't believe that I neglected to count the zeroes.