Cant build DuetWifiServer
when i build it a second time ,it does not throw any errors
So it's fully built now?
EDIT: as it is just the post build step that failed, I guess it still hasn't done the post build step. You need to change the Build Variables, in particulat EspBootFile and EspToolPath.
i think everything works. i took the DuetWifiServer.bin and updated the firmware (as described :
and i can use the wifi module
do you think i can start to program the remote conn ?
thank you very much for your help !!
*I defined a message code connCreate in file MessageFormats.h for the Duet to send the WiFi module a command to open a TCP connection with a remote host, however file SocketServer.cpp has this:case NetworkCommand::connCreate: // create a connection
// Not implemented yetSo it would need to be implemented, then the Duet will be able to open remote connections.*
can you show me the message code, that you defined ?
I have work on the WiFi code planned for later this week, and if I have time then I will implement outbound connections in it.
can you please inform me when you're done?
I've been working on the new WiFi server part of the time for the last several days. Expressiv has released a new SDK that has a lot of nice features, such as built-in LWIP v2 support. Unfortunately they have changed a lot of names of functions in the SDK, and they they haven't released documentation for the new SDK version yet. And we're in a week-long Chinese holiday, so there is no support available. But I'm getting there slowly.
Are so far any progress being made in term of the outbound connection? -
I am waiting for the new Expressiv SDK to be properly documented and for the code to stabilise before I resume work on DuetWiFiServer. I plan to add support for outbound connections in that version.
Hello dc42,
Can you say about how long it will take unti the release of an updated version? -
I'll look at it again when the 2.02 release of RRF is out.
@dc42 is there any news about the release of this feature?
I did an interim 1.22 release to fix a bug. I checked the Expressive SDK at the same time, but unfortunately they haven't yet released a version of the 3.0 SDK that looks easy to integrate int DuetWiFiServer. So I may add the outbound connection support to the existing version.
@dc42 said in Cant build DuetWifiServer:
I did an interim 1.22 release to fix a bug. I checked the Expressive SDK at the same time, but unfortunately they haven't yet released a version of the 3.0 SDK that looks easy to integrate int DuetWiFiServer. So I may add the outbound connection support to the existing version.
this would be great