TB6600 external drives
@namlecnc yes. just use M350 for any internal drivers.
@namlecnc Can you let us know what you did to fix the issue you were having getting the TB6600 to run?
@t3p3tony TB6600 does not work.
I have to change to a more expensive DM542SI have it running now. At 32x , it runs ebrry time now. 128x doesn’t work.
I am also having issues getting my external drive to work. I attempted to wire the
+(STEP,DIR,EN) to the 5V on the Heater Pins on the expansion, to see if the voltage of the expansion breakout was too low. This did not change my stepper motor behavior (it just vibrates after a few X+1 commands.See thread here for more information: https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/7703/closed-loop-control-of-stepper-motors-with-rotary-encoder/24
@sean, as a follow on. ENA+ is by default at 3.35 V.
If the schematic above says >3.5 V, would 3.35V be an issue? If it were, I would imagine wiring all the + leads to 5V would have remedied my issue.
@sean The CL57T manual says in 3.1.1 the high mode to be 4.5 to 24 volts, low between 0 to 0.5
@joergs5 If this were the issue, wouldn't it have worked when I wired all of the + leads to +5V?
@sean I only meant it's not 3.5 volts, but higher. I don't think this is the reason. I suspect timing problems (2.5 us too short or acceleration / speed too high).
@joergs5 ah, thanks for pointing that out. I have the T parameter in M569 set to T10 right now - I saw a post from dc42 that said it would limit the step rate, but otherwise cause no problems. I'll leave it there for now to make sure all other things are working, and then decrease the timing later.
Regarding acceleration / speed, this is just with the motor sitting on the table, no load, and only commanding +1 mm movements. Acceleration and speed shouldn't be a factor yet.
In short, don’t use tb6600