Batch 4&5 ready to ship early (and Batch 4 is sold out!)
I ordered mine from batch 4 (O/N 204) but haven't received that email.
For some reason the email didn't show up in my inbox. I use gmail. I did a search for it and sure enough it was there. It's wierd that I moved it to the inbox folder and I still can't see it unless I search for it. It could just be a 6am looking it up on a cell phone thing. I'm order 286 batch 4.
Odd I did send it to both of you. None the less if you are happy with getting it early then no action required, if you want a delay because you are away or something then let is know.
P.S. This email was mainly prompted because we noticed some people.ordering batch 4/5 when 3 had not yet sold out.
Must be a gmail thing. The last email I had was the one on 3rd August informing of the delay. Nothing since. No worries though, happy to get it sooner.
Ian -
For info, I had an email from service@paypal to say that Think3dPrint3d had added delivery information. Delivery status marks as sent via Royal Mail. - looking forward to receiving it.
Hi Ian
Excellent, at least PayPal emails are working properly.
I have your single channel expansion prototype on my to-do list for this weekend, the level shifting board has arrived.
Hi Ian
Excellent, at least PayPal emails are working properly.
I have your single channel expansion prototype on my to-do list for this weekend, the level shifting board has arrived.
Bear in mind that the mechanism for the firmware to know whether drivers beyond the first 5 are TMC2660s or simple step/dir/enable drivers is not implemented yet, pending finalisation of the design of the expansion boards. Currently it assumes that all drivers are TMC2660.
Haven't gotten any emails, but very happy to be getting the board early (batch 4 order #325). Thank you for the hard work getting these out the door.
Part of batch 4 USA orders is out the door, the second half will ship early next week (September 12, give or take),
How about the UK batch 4 orders? I know the panel is back in stock as mention on Twitter.
We are part way through batch 4. On current plan they will be all out by the end of Tuesday
Who should I contact on a USA order? #51 & 258, batch 3, haven't heard anything.
Filastruder, using the contact form.
We've done all the labels manually so tracking information was not sent, but I'm happy to provide it upon request.
I received mine yesterday here in Florida. Order #251 batch 3.
Who should I contact on a USA order? #51 & 258, batch 3, haven't heard anything.
I think that is to be delivered today. I have it marked as shipped on the master list, and I believe it was combined with a previous order of yours which is out for delivery today. Please get in touch via the Filastruder contact form if that turns out not to be the case.
How about #359 B4? Just so I know when to wait in.
Well, for what it's worth I'm order #278 from Batch 4. I asked Tim about it last week and he said it should be going out sometime early this week.
A few from Batch 4 have shipped. The rest are due to arrive (and depart) Wednesday of this week.
iDevelo, yours has not. W3DRK, yours has. W3DRK, I think yours has been delivered, today.
Oh…thanks for letting me know! Now I need to come up with a reason to leave work early today...