Maestro getting started
Oh additionally, I had issues where I was getting a short error on the drives. This was before even try to move the effector. Just on homing. turns out the homing speed was set very high by reprap configurator, thought this was not a setting that I had access to from that tool.
I have added the provisional documentation on the Duet 2 Maestro menu system to the wiki at However, not all commands are implemented yet, in particular the "files" command isn't in my fork of RRF. M3D has a fork of RRF with a more complete implementation. I plan to merge their changes into my fork at version 2.02.
The steps/mm you need will depend on the belts and pulleys you use, whether you are using 1.8 or 0.9deg motors, and what microstepping you select. 80 steps/mm is correct for 20-tooth GT2 pulleys used with 1.8deg motors and x16 microstepping.
@dc42 Thanks for this. Sorted out the steps per inch, It was the microstepping setting.
@dc42 Have you gotten any further on merging/documenting the LCD menu system? Trying to create the simple menu shown at your line above using the example provided, but doesn't look like the 'menu' parameter shown in the example is valid (per the listed parameters above it). I've been trying to find the M3D repo, and found their example of menu files for the SD card on GIT, but can't find their firmware version to test it with.
Many thanks!
That merge is on my to-do list. I think the M3D version you want is probably
@dc42 Thank you sir! I spend all night googling for that!
Hey @dc42 -- nice to chat with you guys as per usual.
I am actually going through and uncovering some of that particular aspect of the 12684 branch from the M3D side now. We have a few things spread out since Matt's departure, and we just found a MAJOR portion of work we had thought was lost. I'll be putting it up on the m3d repo soon.
David Hargrove
PrintM3D -
I hope you don't mind if bring it up here as well since we it seems to now be the discussion.
@crussty I am going to put up all of my most recent updates, some were comitted some were not. Dealing with the emergency departure of an employee from a few months ago, no biggie
I am actually having a really confusing issue; I am on Win 10 at the moment and today I was trying to recompile The Duet Firmware with the v2_dev_12864 complete branch you linked earlier. I followed all of of your instructions thoroughly in the Compilation Instructions, but I seem to be getting an error related to compiling The firmware in eclipse...
I'm able to Compile/Clean CoreNG, but as soon as I compille reprap errors I get the attached error msg...0_1535197305255_errorlog.txt
Thanks guys! Any help is very much appreciated.
File RepRapFirmware.h in my fork of RRF doesn't have that definition of type interruptMode.
@dc42 that's exactly what I came up with... tracing it back manually now. This is work I am picking up on; it's possible that they utilized a local lib to compile the prior version. Thanks and I'll respond to this thread once I finish and pull in the correct function. I am also going to be re-initializing our public repos over the next couple of days. We'll constantly be maintaining 12864 functionality for the crane line, so I hope that this will be an additional resource that I can assist the community as a whole with.
@dc42 Okay, took some manual searching/diffing but I found it.
Looks like it's actually in CoreNG/cores/arduino/wiring_constants.h in the v2-dev branch. In fact, it's defined in every branch of CoreNG except for 'dev'. In case you'd like to compare:
All except the dev branch of that file contain this:
enum InterruptMode {
};My thought was: Okay, I will use the v2-dev branch of CoreNG and RepRapFirmware -- this was just assuming the convention was valid to my understanding. My next move is to try the CoreNG dev branch. Any other thoughts here?
Next I am going to look into the benefits of including FreeRTOS as it relates to the Maestro/Quad.
Thanks Again
Well; using the dev branch just led to another set of errors... total shift. I believe something is simply not correct in our branch structure. Gotta get out the Chainsaw for this one... We have a lot of files nested where they shouldn't be.
@dc42 I'm going through commit history to determine what has happened.. it looks like at some point the project file for the 'v2-almostcomplete' build was removed from gitignore and became part of their ongoing updates to the m3d Repo... I'm trying to determine teh best way to unravel this.... is there anything I could do to simply assist with the merge?
We've been using the v2-dev branch for both CoreNG and RepRapFirmware for the last few versions. The only build of RRF for the Maestro that I maintain is the FreeRTOS build.
Thanks @dc42 -- I think I am getting close to determine what happened here... I plan to take on as much Maestro-specific stuff as I can. As far as getting us back on even footing... do you have any suggestions on going forward? Right now i'm doing a full folder diff between the v2-dev branch and the v2-12864nearcomplete branch on our side.
He has added a very substantial amount of Menu Items.. I am attempting to abstract them now. If you have any suggestions for how we can abstract this, I'm all ears... otherwise, I'll finish up here soon enough.
Also -- I'm still fairly new to the FreeRTOS concept, do you think the Maestro would benefit from a FreeRTOS build(or is that the public build?).
@dc42 said in Maestro getting started:
The only build of RRF for the Maestro that I maintain is the FreeRTOS build. -
@streamliner said in Maestro getting started:
He has added a very substantial amount of Menu Items.. I am attempting to abstract them now. If you have any suggestions for how we can abstract this, I'm all ears... otherwise, I'll finish up here soon enough.
Please read the provisional documentation that I wrote at I don't know whether he followed that documentation accurately or not. The message I received from him some time ago suggested that he hadn't implemented "image" but he had done the rest.
@dc42 In Fact -- I believe he followed it exactly, and as you say the only thing that I can't find is the Splash Image -- that's no problem. It seems nearly complete.
Now, I tried simply merging over his changes to the menu and associated files, but still ran into an error. I am actually getting my macos devmachine up again so I can use xcode... Eclipse is killing me. I use this machine for a lot of MCU prototyping and I think I am just getting a lot of conflicts because of this.
I'm restoring my mac workstation tonight and will establish n proper project tomorrow. I may have a few more questions for you; soon this will all be a lot smoother.
Thanks you for your time!
Hi, I have just purchased the Duet 2 Maestro, and so far this has not been a happy experience.
I cannot get the board to communicate with a PC at all. When a USB cable is plugged in I get 3 LEDs lit one green and two red. A blue led briefly flashes on the WiFi board and the Diag. led flashes once.
The board is not recognized at all when plugged in. I have manually installed the drivers for the board on both a laptop and PC with no difference between the two. I would try updating the firmware manually, but even this seems to be impossible as there is no erase button that would allow me to force the update to the board. The USB cable is taken from my other 3dprinter where it connects the Smoothieboard to a Raspberry Pi to for OctoPrint.
I did manage to get the Diag led to light by creating a custom config.g and other files using the RepRap configurator, however the network connection still did not work nor would the new config. files allow the board to communicate with either my PC or laptop.I copied these files to the SDCard by installing it in the laptop, as apparently the SD Card cannot be accessed through the USB connection.
After metaphorically pounding my forehead to a blood soaked pulp, is there anyone who can help me as I am now at a complete loss, having spent several hours only to end back where I started. I will answer as best I can any questions.
Please help.
Support for Duet Maestros sold by M3D (which is all of them so far) is provided by M3D, not by us, because M3D does the manufacture and testing. However...
I have heard of several cases of the micro USB cable supplied with the Maestro being faulty. So I suggest you try a different cable. [EDIT: looks like you are already using a different one.]
The Maestro doesn't have an erase button, it has a 2-pin jumper instead. It is close the the main processor, labelled ERASE.
I don't understand:
A blue led briefly flashes on the WiFi board and the Diag. led flashes once.
What WiFi board? The Duet 2 Maestro has an Ethernet connector.
HTH David