connection issues
Hi, for some reason I'm not able to connect Octopi to Duetwifi via USB. no way to send commands or track status. Is there anyone with same issue or maybe even a solution?
Make sure you have Marlin compatibility enabled for the USB channel. That's P2 in the M552 command in config,g. It's also the default if you don't have a M552 command in config.g, unless your firmware is very old.
Use recent firmware on the Duet. Octoprint is very fussy about the format of the response to the M105 command and it barfed on earlier versions of RRF because we didn't have the same number of spaces in the response as Marlin does.
For best results, configure Octoprint not to wait for OK after sending each command. I know someone did a patch to make this possible many months ago but I don't know whether it is a standard feature of the current release.
HTH David
@dc42 said in connection issues:
r best results, configure Octoprint not to wait for OK after sending each command. I know someone did a patch to make this possible many months ago but I don't know whether it is a standard feature of the current release
M555 P2 did the trick!! Wow what a quick response
Again, much appreciated!!