3D printed Christmas Pyramid
Finally got round to finishing this - well almost. I just have to make some clear "flames" to cover the LEDs on the candle tops. We have a load of those little "Lemax" figures which will go on it at Xmas time but they are up in the loft at the moment.
I made a post on my blog a while ago when I started it https://somei3deas.wordpress.com/2018/04/03/a-3d-printed-christmas-pyramid/
but I've just made a little YouTube video showing some of the stages of printing and assembly as well as the finished thing https://youtu.be/btk6HRX8KSM
If you just want to see the finished thing, skip to the last minute or so of the video.
Ian -
Wow that turned out really nice. Merry Christmas!
Congrats!! That is some damn fine work, all the way around!!!
Thanks guys. One thing that's wrong with it is that the motor I chose is a bit noisy. Ideally, it needs to be silent. Does anyone have any ideas for a (near) silent low speed (or geared to be low speed) motor? Preferably one that will run off 12v.
doesn’t run off 12v but big clive posted a video of a asynchronous motor for a mirror ball, and if memory serves those were pretty quiet,
it is a nice job, by maybe you should have used flickering leds on top of the red pedestals instead of just the white ones
Amazing work! Very nice.
@qdeathstar I did have flickering LEDS to start with but "She who shall be obeyed" said they were too distracting so I had to change them for static ones. I also printed some clear yellow "flames" to go over the LEDs but again,I got outvoted and she wants clear un-tinted ones (after 42 years of marriage, I've learned that she has the casting vote at all times)
tbh, i’ve never seen the flickering leds irl so maybe they don’t look so good. I’ve only ever heard about them...
@qdeathstar These are the ones I tried https://www.amazon.co.uk/1819-Flickering-Emulation-Atmosphere-Decorative/dp/B078SLMPML/ref=sr_1_24?ie=UTF8&qid=1526278901&sr=8-24&keywords=flame+effect+led
They are a bit on the big side and need some sort of opaque diffuser for best effect. They are much much more expensive too so in a way I'm glad my wife didn't like them. Thankfully, I only bought 2 and not 8 (although I have no idea what I'll do with these other 2).
oh, i was thinking more of something like this: