Another Software Monkey
Hi folks
Just thought I would say hiBought a duet to update a 3D printer and had a prowl around the source etc.
My background is I am an embedded systems engineer so do a little hardware and software.
Mainly work with STM32Fxxx devices using the Keil IDE, and Esp32 modules with eclipse etc.Very little experience with C++ on embedded systems ( An Oscilloscope running on a NIOSII IP CPU on an FPGA was my only exposure)
Lots of RTOS and bare metal coding in C. ( PC Lint is something I swear by and always use).I did used to work on a CNC controller for spark erosion and machine tools.
So give me a little time to get setup and hopefully I will be able to add to the Duet.Danny
Danny, welcome!
Hi Danny,
I am mechanical Engineer and i have my own job that we make plastic injection mold. So we have 3 EDM machines and CNCs..
I used several CAM programs and now i use PowerMill. I just build my 3D printer with duetwifi , duex2 and paneldue 7". I am suffering from slicers because i can't control everything but I get used to it all day.
I developed all electric plastic injection machine controller by using PIC32MZxx now it is testing phase.