Preheat the inactive nozzle with G10
Hello everybody,
I have rebuilt my Ultimaker2 DUAL on DuetWifi, and am now trying to adapt my setup to the new commands.
I'm just trying on G10 S # R # and Tool change macros.
I think the G10 is a good idea, I like it.Now my question:
But if there is a possibility to pre-heat the nozzle with T # P # without activating the tool, that would considerably reduce the printing time, also known as TempMagic by Cura.
More simply, there is a possibility to set the "Active" temperature stored in G10 without directly selecting the tool.
Or I have to dodge again on M104, but then the G10 is useless for me.Here is a gcode excerpt as I had before:
[[language]] M104 T0 S185 ; Now it starts to heat for the next nozzle change G1 X113.481 Y122.166 E2.9713 G1 X113.783 Y122.183 E2.9731 G1 X114.024 Y122.189 E2.9745 G1 X121.813 Y114.400 E3.0387 G1 X121.813 Y114.966 E3.0420 G1 X114.582 Y122.197 E3.1017 G1 X115.162 Y122.182 E3.1051 G1 X121.813 Y115.531 E3.1600 G1 X121.813 Y116.097 E3.1633 ………………… The time span has been calculated --------------------- G1 X140.643 Y117.066 E4.3847 G1 X140.643 Y117.284 E4.3860 G1 X139.750 Y119.656 E4.4328 G1 X140.379 Y119.593 E4.4365 G1 X140.590 Y119.381 E4.4382 G1 X140.661 Y119.311 F1485 G92 E0 G1 E-5.0000 F2400 ; process Silk ; layer 82, Z = 8.150 G1 X123.645 Y94.617 F9000 ;turm_pos1 ;Tool Change Script Temp M104 S160 T1 G1 E-20.000 F2700 M109 S185 T0 T0 ; New Tool
Is there a way to do that?
M104 T# Snnn will set both active and standby temperatures of tool # to nnn
Thank you for your answer
This also overrides the temperatures defined in G10, right?
I was hoping that there would be a possibility to work with the new G10 (for example G10 P0 S225 R170) function.But I need a variant to implement the preheat.
Is there something there?