Sannce AG121 can'nt login
No first just letters then letters and numbers and for last only numbers.
Like I said if I connect via web browser it connects after putting in the user and password.
Same popup.. very strange. I am using firefox. -
Well why I do not know now it take the password and user name.
Only thing is is does not updateevery X seconds as set in the setup. I have to refresh the page
or change tab and then it will update.
Thanks -
Do you have DWC connected to your Duet? I'm not sure whether DWC refreshes the camera image when it is not connected to a Duet.
Do you have DWC connected to your Duet? I'm not sure whether DWC refreshes the camera image when it is not connected to a Duet.
Just tested with my IP camera, and DWC continues to refresh the image every 5 seconds even after I disconnect and power off the Duet/Printer. This is testing with Chrome on a Mac. This is a different IP camera (Foscam C1), but expect they'd operate similarly in this regard.
I,m using the DWC connected to the duet in real time.
I just saw thta the update in the graph is not working while current layer etc are updating.
If I refresh the page when I go page to Printer Status it updated.
I'm using firefox 58 -
Have you pressed control-shift-J to open the developer console, and checked for exception or other error messages?
No I didn't about that .
Here is what I'm getting for example:
Sono presenti campi password in una pagina con connessione non sicura (http://). Si tratta di un rischio per la sicurezza in quanto consente il furto delle credenziali di accesso inserite.[Ulteriori informazioni]and
MediaKeySystemAccess::GetKeySystemStatus(com.widevine.alpha) result=available msg=''
Firefox non può stabilire una connessione con il server wss:// push_client.js:1:655
TypeError: event.originalTarget.getAttribute is not a function[Ulteriori informazioni] tabbrowser.xml:8175:22
TypeError: event.originalTarget.getAttribute is not a function[Ulteriori informazioni] tabbrowser.xml:8182:22 -
Nerver mind got the live stream to work which is much better.
How did you get the live stream to work?
As per guide
http://Your IP:PORT/videostream.cgi?loginuse=USER NAME&loginpas=PASSWORD
If you try that address in a browser it should open the cam view. if that works it works in DWC.
Embed Webcam Stream not selected