New PanelDue firmware release 1.20RC5
Thank you David! It's installed an works fine!
Should there be a V3 7" no logo binary? Or am I just not seeing it? Got the logo'd version installed just fine.
Thanks for sharing the bmp2c version! Am I correct in the assumption that we need the -b and -c parameters to generate the binary image and then simply concatenate the bitstreams of the nologo fw with that file?
Yes. The final file size must fit within the available flash memory, either 128Kb or 256Kb.
Should there be a V3 7" no logo binary? Or am I just not seeing it? Got the logo'd version installed just fine.
Sorry about that, I've just added it.
SECOND EDIT: Github pull request submitted that fixes the below described issue.
RC5 dispaly issues with file lists (I don't know if it existed previously.)
In the "root" of my gcode files, I have nothing but many subdirectories. In one of those directories, I have several (>5) gcode files and a couple deeper subdirectories. In one of those third level subdirectories, I have only a couple of gcode files. When I go into the third level directory, the display is showing stuff from the higher level. It's as if it's not clearing the old level when drawing the newer (deeper) level.
This might be better illustrated with photos. Here's a link to a google photos album containing three images: first image (with "ABS - Dual") as the top line is the topmost gcode directory. From that, I selected "PETG - L" to reveal:
The second image (with "*cookie cutters") is the second level directory (/"PETG - L"). When I select that "cookie cutters" directory, I get to:
The third image is the third level directory (/"PEGTG-L"/"Cookie Cutters"). This image demonstrates the problem. There are only actually two files (and no subdirectories) in this directory. The two files that start with "3x" are files in this directory. The rest of the stuff is NOT. It seems as if the code that displays a directory isn't clearing off the old entries when displaying a new subdirectory.
Same type of issue occurs with macros: When navigating into subdirectories, if the new subdirectory has fewer macros than the previous level, the old ones aren't cleared.
I updated my 7" PanelDue with 1.20RC5.
I can't see space bar button in on screen keyboard but it is work.
Please can you confirm that issue? -
I updated my 7" PanelDue with 1.20RC5.
I can't see space bar button in on screen keyboard but it is work.
Please can you confirm that issue?Thanks, I confirm the problem. I will fix it in the next RC.
Ok, Thank you…
I have just released PanelDueFirmware 1.20. the two bugs mentioned in this thread are fixed. Closing this thread now.