3 weeks in, same issue
Do you have retract on layer change enabled in the slicer?
Do you have retract on layer change enabled in the slicer?
The OP stated above somewhere that he's using a post processing script to add G10/G11 commands in S3D (not sure why).
Quick question regarding Z hop in G10 - does it do the retract, then move the bed or do they happen concurrently? If it's the latter case, then Z hop might slow the retraction speed down if the bed moves slowly?
To put it another way: is the OP doing retraction on layer change, either by enabling it in the slicer and having the post processing script convert the retraction/reprime commands to G10/G11, or by inserting them in post processing?
Since this post process script cought your attention here you go.
all it does it to change the retraction defined in s3d with g10/g11
So ive enabled retraction in s3d set retraction distance til 1.00mm and 6000 speed.
However these values do nothing since they are overwritten with g10/11{REPLACE "G1 E-1.0000 F6000\n" "G10\n"}
{REPLACE "G1 E0.0000 F6000\n" "G11\n"}
{REPLACE "G1 E1.0000 F6000\n" "G11\n"}
{REPLACE "G1 E0.0000 F1800\n" "G11\n"}
{REPLACE "G1 E1.0000 F1800\n" "G11\n"}and just to clarify ive used slic3r with firmware retraction and it produces the same issues.
Doing a test cube now with following settings:
Force retraction between layers is uncheck in s3d
M201 X900 Y900 Z60 E3000 ; Maximum accelerations (mm/s^2)
M566 X600 Y600 Z60 E300 ; Maximum jerk in mm/minM572 D0 S0
M207 S6 R0 F6000 T6000 Z2 -
Force retraction between layers is uncheck in s3d
So your retraction settings will have zero effect on those blobs. Try checking it.
Im printing another now
Force retraction between layers is checked in s3d
M201 X900 Y900 Z60 E3000 ; Maximum accelerations (mm/s^2)
M566 X600 Y600 Z60 E300 ; Maximum jerk in mm/minM572 D0 S0
M207 S6 R0 F6000 T6000 Z2 -
No changes. I've swapped filament. It seems like it's as good as it gets…
Are you printing outside perimeters first, or the other way round?
Maybe it's time to enable pressure advance.
Are you printing outside perimeters first, or the other way round?
Maybe it's time to enable pressure advance.
Inside first, however ive tried both to same result.
Below example is inside-outM572 D0 S0.1
M207 S4 R0 F4500 T4500 Z2 -
Apart from the obvious cooling issue, the 2mm z-hop seems a bit much, try changing that to 0.2mm (or don't use z-hop at all)
M207 S4 R0 F4500 T4500 Z0.2
My experience:
I used bowden setup at the time on my i3 clone (P3Steel), replaced it with a titan+pancake motor, the print quality difference was night and day -
Im still at it and yet to find a sollution, however i think it actually has something to do with the speed of the print.
I belive it might have something to do with the speed overrides and adjusting print speed for layers below x sec.Still trouble shooting