DWC layers inaccurate
The layers on my control display incorrectly. I have narrowed it down to S3D by testing other slicers and they report the proper number of layers. it is set to RepRap/Marlin in the slicer on all of these. however on the test print the layer reported below you can see is not 48 layers total. can you guys think of a work around for me? its driving me nuts, it didn't used to do this, and read properly.
You will need to make the gcode file available if you want me to look into it.
There is probably a move command to move the printing head up in the z direction in your ending script in s3d. I believe the DWC reads the last move command in the gcode that specifies an absolute distance and uses that for the layer calculation.
Pastebin of a test cube g-code
test cube is coming up short as well
40.01 x 40.02 x 39.52
In your S3D end GCode change this line:
G1 Z100
G1 Z100 ;E
That tells the firmware to ignore that G1 command when computing the object height.