DuetWifi for MAC OS
Since I use a Mac computer I was wondering if there is any software similar to YAT that I could use to configure the WiFi module.
Now I understand.
You could follow the instructions I linked about to use the -screen- command from the built-in Terminal. You might find it easier to download the free CoolTerm and use that. I just confirmed that I can connect to my DuetWifi with it. It is available from this page - be sure to select the Mac version.
On my Mac, the serial port to choose was: /dev/cu.usbmodem1411
Thanks John! I will check it out and let you know.
You can use Pronterface, no problem. Even if you have lower case characters you just need to lead them with a single quote (apostrophe) and it will not convert them to uppercase…
PassWORD would be: P'a's'sWORD
The commands went through for me without any reformating in S3D's machine control panel.
Good to know, if your lower case password letters worked then s3d is passing upper and lower case through correctly.
You can use Pronterface, no problem. Even if you have lower case characters you just need to lead them with a single quote (apostrophe) and it will not convert them to uppercase…
PassWORD would be: P'a's'sWORD
This really works? I would love that to be added to the wiki if so. But like others said I also did use pronterface and the macro instructions of the wiki to set the password. Was quite painless
You can use Pronterface, no problem. Even if you have lower case characters you just need to lead them with a single quote (apostrophe) and it will not convert them to uppercase…
PassWORD would be: P'a's'sWORD
This really works? I would love that to be added to the wiki if so. But like others said I also did use pronterface and the macro instructions of the wiki to set the password. Was quite painless
Yep, it does. It gives confusing output:
M587 S"M'y N'e't'w'o'r'k" P"P'a's's"
SENDING:M587 S"M'Y 'N'E'T'W'O'R'K" P"P'A'S'S"But if you send command M587 only, it reports back a properly cased wifi network name. I assume the password is cased properly as well, but I Can't confirm, because my wifi network is hidden because come on it's 2018.
Need to install some Beta firmware I guess to be able to connect to a hidden network. Yikes.
You can connect to a hidden network using the P parameter in the M552 command to specify the network SSID. See the gcode wiki page.
I also use OSX as the main OS for all my machines. As I also do some embedded stuff, I use FTDI USB/Serial interfaces and recently picked up Serial (terminal emulator) for OSX. It's actually a very nice terminal program and flexible. Their website is:
The only thing I have noticed is that when interfacing to the Duet board (via Serial), the data coming from the board is oddly formatted and exhibits endless wrapping in the terminal window (line length too long?). Also, it doesn't echo back any characters sent, which is not a problem, just be aware.
Most terminal emulators have an option for local echo.
If the output keeps wrapping instead of starting new lines, you probably need to change the end-of-line delimiter configuration in the terminal emulator.
Yes, I enabled the checkbox for local echo, no issue. I also went and looked at other options. Appears that the Duet interface sends a linefeed character only, so Serial has an option to interpret a linefeed as a linefeed + carriage return. That option resolves the formatting problem, thanks.