Collision Avoidance Axis Order Issue [3.6.0.rc1]
I have a Dual Gantry printer based currently on CoreXYUV.
In my design the Y AXIS is currently at the front of the machine, and the V AXIS at the back.
Therefore the Y AXIS has lower coordinate values than the V AXIS.
I am trying to get M597 to work - I was expecting to be able to specify M597 Y0 V100 for example
But when I do this I get the following output.
05/03/2025, 07:29:02 M597 Y0 V100
05/03/2025, 07:29:05 M597
Collision avoidance is not activeM597 only seems to accept values where Y is greater than V - such as:
05/03/2025, 07:30:38 M597 Y100 V0
05/03/2025, 07:30:41 M597
For collision avoidance, axis Y position must be at least 100.0mm higher than axis VAm I going to have to swap my gantries around to make this work - or is there a way that I can specify that the V axis position must be at least 100mm higher than the Y AXIS?
NB/. The same behaviour occurs on 3.5.4 and 3.6.0.rc1
@dwuk3d I confirm this is a bug. Which Duet are you using?
@dc42 Duet3 6HC as the main board, Duet 3 Mini5+ as the expansion board.
@dwuk3d please try the new rc4+1 build at
@dc42 Thanks - that seems to work ok in single motion system mode - I have been able to set the V axis to not come within 100mm of the Y axis which is exactly what I need.
I can't test it in multi motion system mode due M400 and M598 not releasing drives - which still seems to still occur in the new rc1+1 version you sent. - see