Fried SD-Card reader - no firmware
So, my board will not show any memory containing firmware or DWC. I thin k i may have short-circuited the board somewhere in that i do believe i dropped a tiny piece of tin coated copper stranding wire into the board at some point and then bumped the piece into the perfect possition to short out a critical piece of hardware component. When I tyy to use /access DWC I get an endless loop of nothing as well as no response from terminal. Its been a while since ive had time to conquer this projects desired conclusion and fix the dang thing. I find it difficult to proceed without any help. Thanks.
@CrooKID Follow this guide and report back what does and does not work. What board is this? It may be just the firmware has been erased and needs re-flashing. See
Hello, I know its been quite a while since I had requested assistance in this matter. However, I have followed through with the steps outlined in your link. These are the results:Checked the LEDs using only 5v from USB power. These are the only to LEDs illuminate when power connected from PC:
• DIAG LED is illuminated and STAYS illuminated.
o DIAG LED remains lightly illuminating after USB power is disconnected
o SD card inserted or not, DIAG LED remains ON, even after RESET
• 5v RED LED
• 3.3v GREEN LED
• LED between USB connector and RESET switch
Expanded Device Manager; never “Duet 3D Printer Electronics” was indicated. Yet, did reveal 1 device which could possibly be the Duet 2 and was listed as:
• Universal Serial Bus connections
o Unknown USB Device- as this disappeared when the USB cable was disconnected and reappeared upon reconnecetion.
• “USB device not recognized - The last USB device you connected to this computer malfunctioned, and Windows does not recognize it.” Window message appears when reconnecting the USB cable.
• “Device descriptor request failed” also posts at end.I hope the text is organized and interepretable. Thank you.
It sounds like the firmware has been erased at the very least. Please try reflashing the board using these instructions.
If the board shows up in Bossa and takes a flash, you should be alright. If not, then it may be damaged.
Do you notice if any components on the board become very hot to the touch not long after power has been applied?
Can you take some clear high resolution photos of the board itself so we can check for any obvious signs of damage?
Have you given the board a blast of compressed air just incase there is still some debris left behind that could be causing a short?