Another Network Question HTTP request has time out
Hi there,
thanks letting me join the community. I m very impressed of the DuetWifi, but i gotta lots of problems with the WIFI connection.
Long story short, after the update to firmware 1.20 it is much more stable than before no more AJAX Errors and holy shit i could watch the print process the hole print long without pressing the reload page or connect button again. But somethings is wrong with my files page. Everytime i open it up the cursor switch to a load button in the file section and then i gotta get thiserror. Uploading is only possible if i press the upload file button before the error, than the gcode gets in the main file section. It is not possible to start a print via Laptop or PC but, and this is the strangest part i think with a smartphone i could choose a gcode to print.
Thinking about to try it with a different MicroSD, but was not sure if this is the clue or what to do else.
I checked the Network FAQ. I got a WiFI extender 50 cm away from the Duet, it is on Channel 10 and the Router is 3m far away. Tryed different browsers even (Firefox, IE, Opera), changed nothing
Just before you get the timeout, is there one particular file in the list that the system always pauses on to fetch the information for? If so, please copy that file to a file sharing site and post a link to it here, and I'll look at why it is taking so long. Deleting that file from the SD card may get it working again.
T know which file was the one with the problem, i deleted the gcode (yes this folder was on the sd too) and the gcodes folder cause i couldn
t see any gcodes files at my PC and created a new gcodes folder. Uploaded some gcodes and got no issues anymore. -
If it happens again, please try to isolate the file that causes the problem.