[RRF 3.6.0-beta.2 Error code 7]
Hello everyone!
I got a strage issue with my printer, after an 8 hours print, i got this error:
Sadly I cannot get a M122 report for two reasons:
In DWC with 3.6.x I cannot get an M122 report even if other comands works as expected
Over USB, I needed to do an emergency stop wich cleared the relevant report..My board is a Duet 2 WiFi + Duex5 with MMU3
Anyway, I will upload my config files to google drive and update this post.
All that I have is the gcode and the aproximate layer height when the error occuredBy the way, with beta 1 for only one print I got the exact same error, the next day I do a simulation wich completed as expected, printed the exact same gcode without any problems. So, seems to be a random issue wich I can't reproduce myself twice. I started a slightly modified print now to see how it goes
Thank you in advance, and any help is welcomed!
This is the gcode in question: Jack Case_STEC7_0.2mm_PLA_5h24m.gcode
The error occurred on layer 312 / Z height 62.40 most likely somewhere around line 117292 in that gcodeThis is my config/SD card https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OcTPiUw0RlYuLT-Skopb6It37nG4u9Io?usp=sharing
undefined Argo referenced this topic
Solved by 3.6.0-beta.2+4
Thank you Duet3D team!
undefined Leonard03 marked this topic as a question
undefined Leonard03 has marked this topic as solved
@Leonard03 thanks for the feedback. Was the issue readily reproducible using the earlier beta version, or didn't occur just once? I want to be sure that it really is solved.
If you have trouble getting an M122 report from DWC, try putting the PanelDue on its Setup page first, or at least wait until its screen saver cuts in.
@dc42 said in [RRF 3.6.0-beta.2 Error code 7]:
Was the issue readily reproducible using the earlier beta version, or didn't occur just once?
This issue occurred twice, with two different gcodes and two different RRF versions.
With 3.6.0-beta.1 I had some Code 3 errors wich now are solved.
With 3.6.0-beta.2 first saw the Code 7 but printing the same gcode again next day did the trick. First time I got that error, second time completed without any issues.
Second occasion when I encountered this error was with another gcode (that in the first post) but again, repeating a slightly modified gcode (repositioned a modifier in PrusaSlier) completed without any issues.I cannot reproduce this error twice, and it was very random. A simulation of that gcodes completed every time without problems. Printing that gcodes second time, again, completed without issues.
By the way, also with beta.2+4 now I can get a M122 report via DWC.
As regarding the PannelDue and DWC:
I followed @chrishamm advices from this post https://forum.duet3d.com/post/347660 and modified those parameters:
Number of maximum AJAX retries: from 20 to 3;
Time to wait between AJAX retries (ms): from 200 to 250;
PanelDue baud rate: from 57600 to 115200.Now I have a pretty good connection for DWC. Still disconnects sometimes but is waaay better and stable then before.
The only side effect being that now the PanelDue now says that it receives malformed responses after around 15 seconds after the M0 at the end of a job files is completed. Even in that case can send command to the board, but not the other way around. Strange thing is that if I hit "print again" either from PanelDue itself or from DWC, comms with it goes to normal. Reverting the baud rate does not make any difference for this behavior.
@Leonard03 thanks for your further feedback. We have changes to PanelDueFirmware and RRF already made to reduce the interaction of PanelDue and DWC and we will release these soon.
@Leonard03 please can you run 3.6beta4 and please get the full debug message from the web interface if you get another code7 error.
@T3P3Tony Confirm no motion errors with the beta4
@Leonard03 thanks; but please keep an eye on it. We've had a couple of Code 7 halt reports recently and I am homing on on the cause, but we could still do with some more reports. 3.6beta4 includes more debug info when these halts occur.
@dc42 Thank you for the hint. I will keep an eye on it and if any issues occurs I'll report back