Cutting power off from Duet 3 harmful in long-term?
Hi, currently we are switching off power from Duet 3 6HC without any software command. Is this harmful for the device in the long-term use?
BR, Heidi
@HeidiH theres no issue just removing power
@jay_s_uk Jes, great :D! Excellent to hear. Thank you for your help.
@HeidiH assuming you are running without attached single board computer then one possible issue with removing power is that if the board is writing to the SD card at the time then the SD card may be corrupted. SD card writes can occur when uploading a file or doing a other DWC action that changes files, within 15 seconds following the last log message written if you have enabled logging, when a simulation completes, and any time you execute a command that writes to file e.g. an echo command with output redirection.
So as long as you don't do anything in daemon.g that writes to file or creates log message when the machine is idle, removing power is fine. It's what I do.
To avoid clogging the hot end you may need to wait until the hot end has cooled sufficiently before removing power to the hot end cooling fan.