longterm probe reliability testing
Hi all,
we are trying to test the reliability of our new loadcell probing system to see if it lasts 10 years.
it equals to a load of probes (213.000) which I plan to test in 4 stages (53.250 per test)
I wanted to test it with a loop;
while iterations<53250 G30 P{iterations} Z-9999 ;endif G30 P53250 Z-9999 S-1
But quite quickly I get the error "Error: G30: Z probe point index out of range"
Is there a different way to do these long tests?
@SanderLPFRG What are you trying to measure? If you just want the measured height, use G30 S-1 without a P or Z parameter. This should report in the console the measured height each time. You can probably write the result to a log file on the SD card.
The G30 P parameter is used to measure the height error from the Z datum, for use in bed plane correction. I think the maximum number of points is 32. These are stored in memory, which is limited. I don't think this is the data you want, or need, to collect.
See https://docs.duet3d.com/en/User_manual/Reference/Gcodes#g30-single-z-probe
You might find this helpful, this is a homing then testing script we use when testing new probes or trying to isolate probe drift;Start squence ; Home machine and then set postion for Probing ;; reduce accelerations to avoid false triggering M201 X500 Y500 ; reduce acceleration to avoid false triggering ;== Home Axis X M98 P"homex.g" ;== Home Axis Y M98 P"homey.g" ;== Home Axis X M98 P"homex.g" ;== Home Axis Z M98 P"homez.g" ;start sensor test loop while true ; Home machine and then set postion for Probing G28 Y G28 X G1 X110 Y170 F6000 ;Probe bed and save offset value G30 s-1 echo >>"0:/sys/debug/probe.csv" {sensors.probes[0].lastStopHeight},{sensors.analog[1].lastReading},{sensors.analog[0].lastReading} ;Lower bed ready for restart G1 Z10
This keeps track of the probes z position when triggered, as well as the bed and nozzle temps.
My goal is to test a shitload of probes, and see how much it starts to deviate after thousands. Your script might actually work, let me test