Teasers or info about PanelDues successor?
You loosely mentioned a PD successor being on the drawingboard a while back @dc42.
Some time has passed now, and I bet progress has been made
. Could we get some hints to what features you're looking at adding/bringing to the table with this new product?🙈
@Exerqtor the new screen will be far more powerful than PD. We intend that it will connect to the Duet via serial or USB and perhaps via WiFi. USB would typically be preferred because it would provide fast access to thumbnail images etc.
Unfortunately the Chinese suppliers of the hardware we were planning to use appear to violate the terms if the GPL software that they rely on, which we can't accept and which also make it impossible for us to make necessary changes. So although we have done a lot of firmware development and had expected to be production ready by now, we are having to re-evaluate the hardware options.
@dc42 Sounds promising!
Well that plain sucks, esp. after putting in the legwork! Hope you find a good substitute sooner rather than later! PD is getting a little but long in the tooth at this point.