Raspberry PI camera issue with AppArmor
Hello !
I am writing a plugin that uses a raspberry PI camera to calibrate print heads. I encounter an issue where the camera won't start when constructing the camera object:
from picamera2 import PiCamera2 cam = Picamera2() Returns the following error: [0:32:17.478523088] [4325] INFO Camera camera.cpp:990 Pipeline handler in use by another process Camera __init__ sequence did not complete.
I am pretty sure that this issue is due to the apparmor configuration because if I run the exact same script from another folder on the raspberry PI, I don't get any errors...
Do you have any experience using a Raspberry PI camera from the plugins ?
Thanks for your help !
@chrishamm Thanks a lot, that was the problem ! I was looking at an old documentation page that didn't show that this permission was possible... Thank you !