Multiple Analog ZProbe
why can I only set 1x analogue sample?
Why are not more supported? -
What hardware are you using and how are you trying to configure it exactly? Share your config.g and firmware version.
Hello ,
I have the Duet 3 6XD
I found this in the documentation:
From RRF 3.1.0, you can define multiple probes.The K parameter in M558 selects the Z probe number. If there is no K parameter then 0 is used. You can ignore this parameter if you have only one Z probe. Z probe #0 can use probe types 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9 or 10. All other probes must be probe type 0, 8, 9 or 10.
But why is that so ?
I need 3x type 2Translated with (free version)
@Zseven why do you need three z probes?
3 Tool whit analoge z-probe (Pessure Sensor) -
Perhaps reconfigure the probe before use by sending it's own M558 and G31 commands in your tool change files.
Do you really need one probe for each tool though?
Hello ,
yes, I have installed a load cell in each tool which outputs an analog value.
The background is that I want to measure the tool offset and the filament pressure on the nozzle.
If only one tool is being used at a time, you could do the reconfiguration method I mentioned.
Are you using toolboards or just the 6XD by itself?
Yes i Use 6XD.
Thank You it Works.