3.5.0 RC3 cannot connect to DWC
@jay_s_uk It looks like it might be effecting Duet 3 Mini as well for what that's worth.
@Exerqtor Are you saying you did not have that "ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE". on previous versions of RRF?
@gloomyandy said in 3.5.0 RC3 cannot connect to DWC:
@Exerqtor Are you saying you did not have that "ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE". on previous versions of RRF?
Never had it on multible devices before no, I've for sure had issues with RRF not being able to connect to the SSID, but I haven't had lasting connection issues when it's been connected the AP.
Now i see it on the management page of my network, so it's connected. But i can't connect to DWC:
@Exerqtor Can you still connect to DWC from your computer? Have you been able to connect to your printer from your phone in the past?
@gloomyandy When the issue is there it's not possible to connect with any of the devices i've tried doinh so with (Windows pc's & android phones).
And yes, "before" i was able to connect with phones etc. most of the times. Some times it was a little bit picky with letting devices connect, but after a refresh or two it usually let me in.
Now i have to restart the printer (M999 through PanelDue) to connect with anything once it's acting up.
@KP0005 I've updated my Maestro to rc3, and I'm having some problems with it. Mostly it works, but I only connect from one PC, via one browser tab. However, I can't 'refresh' the list of jobs without getting an error message:
Failed to get file list
Network errorand the list stays blank when I know there are files on there. Reverting to RRF rc.2 (with DWC rc.3) fixes this.
We currently think this is due to the reduction of network responders in rc.3 for Duet 2 boards, though I don't think I've seen any reports of problems from Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet users:
https://github.com/Duet3D/RepRapFirmware/wiki/Changelog-RRF-3.x-RC#reprapfirmware-350-rc3-changes-since-rc2[Duet 2] [Duet Maestro] The number of HTTP responders has been reduced from 4 to 3. This should not matter unless you have HTTP connections to the Duet open on several PCs or in several browser tabs, or you upload files from two or more PCs or browser tabs concurrently.
@Exerqtor The Mini 5+ issue is different, and related to WiFi; the Duet 2 Maestro is Ethernet. I also have occasional disconnections on Mini 5+ WiFi, so I'm trying to capture these with logging so we can investigate. I have a macro on the Paneldue that turns off Wifi (M552 S-1) waits for 5 seconds, then turns it back on (M552 S1), which has worked fine to kick it back in to life. It's always happened when I'm actively doing something on the machine, not when running jobs.
There are other threads relating to this issue; please lets keep this one for the Maestro issue.
My testing has also been done with one pc, one browser tab at a time.Are you using Windows? If yes, our results would be consistent. I don't know how the operating system would make a difference, since both were running chromium, but that is what I've seen...
Can you try connecting to it from something like an ubuntu virtual machine? Or a smartphone
@KP0005 I'm actually on an M2 MacBook Pro, running macOS Ventura v13.6.3, using Firefox v122.0 and Safari 17.2.1. I had reverted to RRF 3.5.0-rc.2, while DWC remained on rc.3. I updated RRF back to rc.3.
It seems that it works the first time you update to rc.3, while DWC is in cache. Firefox does have the issue with refreshing the Job list, but Safari does not, and it works correctly - I expect other Webkit browsers will be the same. But if I refresh the page, I get a blank screen on Firefox. On Safari, I get a page that looks like it's missing its CSS:
Reverting to rc.2 and it works in both Firefox and Safari, once the page is refreshed. I've passed this on to the team.
All, the main change in the network code on the Maestro and Duet 2 Ethernet is that the number of http sockets n 3.5rc3 is fixed at 3 and the number of network responders is also 3. In previous builds the number of network responders was 4, and the number of http sockets was 3 plus an extra 2 if you didn't enable FTP plus an extra 1 if you didn't enable Telnet.
I suspect the number of sockets available is more significant than the number of http responders. So I suspect that the same issues will occur using RRF 3.5.0-rc.2 or 3.4.6 if you enable both FTP and Telnet on a Maestro. Can one of you try this out?
Ian and I have done some research on this. We have determined that the number of available sockets is critical but the number of HTTP responders isn't.
I have put new Duet 2 and Duet Maestro binaries at https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/p0136wx04h8xf6ejwdnn9/h?rlkey=efrfwyb6o5tqid11gustz3uvy&dl=0. These provide for additional sockets to be used for HTTP when FTP and/or Telnet protocols are disabled. Ian has reported that this Duet Maestro firmware build resolves the issue he was seeing.
If FTP and Telnet are both enabled on Duet 2 Ethernet or Maestro then these issue will return; however I don't believe this is new to the 3.5 firmware series.
@dc42 I confirm that the new binary does fix the issue for me, thank you!
@dc42 seems to work for me too!
Had also ftp/telnet enabled and strange connection issues.
@derBruchpilotPro and @KP0005 thanks for confirming the fix
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