how to add the z-probe status?
@moth4017 THX!
Probe not attached
Probe attached
@moth4017 same to me, but now when i start the G29 it says to me reading are not consistent
@Simone the
DWC interface does not always update fast enough to show the z-probe status , this is normal -
@Simone if you do a G29 do you get similar results in your console
25 points probed, min error -0.065, max error 0.266, mean -0.012, deviation 0.062
Height map saved to file 0:/sys/heightmap.csv
Probe Drop Off -
@moth4017 the command G29 get interrupted after 2 measures
@Simone did you do a G32 first?
@moth4017 same error in G32
@Simone is this a new build printer?
@moth4017 modified ender 3 whit a E3 RRF V1.1 and the KlackEnder-Probe
@Simone have you gone through this commissioning yet? -
@Simone a simple normally closed endstop switch
@Simone nop i will do it!
@moth4017 thank you so much for your help! I'll continue tomorrow after doing all the ceks thanks again!
@Simone ok
i see the probe push the bed down
@Simone Please send
in the console and post the response so we know what hardware and firmware you are using. Please also post your config.g, homeall.g and homez.g.A Normally-Closed (NC) microswitch should not need inverting, ie no
in the M558 C parameter, eg:M558 P5 C"probe1" H15 F2000:300 T20000 A2 S0.01
I'm not sure what a Klicky probe should report when not connected, but probably '1000'. When connected it should read '0'. When triggered by touching the bed (or your finger, for testing) it should read '1000'.
If the probe is responding correctly, as above, most likely your homing macros are not correct, and it is still trying to find the Z endstop rather than using the probe.
Probe testing, see:
Example homeall.g, homez.g using probe:
@droftarts I managed to solve the problem using Pull-up resistor, but now i have onother one ahhahah,
what is z=0 datum? -
found it
@Simone how i tell the difference in height between the probe and the nozzle to the height map?