Another way of saving weight: no magnets
Hi gents,
I tried something similar 5 years ago with Delrin balls,
Old Video
but glueing them to a printed effector wasn't the most accurate thing.
Now I'll try it again with resin printed ballstuds (0.03mm layer and pixelsize).
Replacing six magnets and ballstuds is ~95grams less on the effector side.
It was pretty hard to get a picture of the craters and layer-lines.I will use springs and fishing line to hold the rods in place.
@o_lampe Do you have some picture of the setup?
I am curious to see what you've done - I have some problem with Haydn ballstuds, the coating on the is wearing out.
@Fred-Y I know that issue. When the airgap between magnet and ball is worn out, the POM parts must be replaced.
Unfortunately, I haven't done the modifications yet. I also work on a new extruder design and don't want to change two major things at once.
@Fred-Y I use a ptfe foil to lubricate ball-arm joints.
@apak Thanks for the tip!
I will definitively order a roll -
@o_lampe yes, that's exactly the problem.
Your project with the extruder is exiting, I remember seeing your thread a few months ago - I see a lot happened since so a lot interesting stuff to read