biqu H2 V2S REVO not working
I just installed a Biqu H2 V2S REVO and I cannot get it working. It will not move the stepper. I am pretty sure its is wired correctly (hopefully).
I can get the tool heated up and when I try to extrude it shows busy but the extruder motor does not turm. I get an error for driver 3- phase B short to ground. I checked the resistance on the coils and I have 1.9ohm on one and 3.7ohm on the other. I thought that they should be equal but not 100% sure.Do I have a bad motor or possibly (hope not) a bad duet wifi board. Please help.
A short to ground error is never good, recheck wiring, test the board with known good motor and cable. Change only one item at a time to limit variables while diagnosing.
Test the coils on the V2S without the cable plugged in, if you are measuring across the correct pin pairs (or pair of pins for each coil) then the resistance measurement should be the same on both coils.
I checked the one I have and both coils measure about same 3.6-3.7 ohms. I believe I had to swap pins around on the motor side, not sure. I uploaded a pic of connections/colors/pairs I am using. Hopefully this helps. The motor you have may not match exactly, consistency with parts from the far east is always suspect.
Thanks for the advice. Will be taking it off the printer today. Will get it apart and report back.
I did some checking. I got a working motor and new cable. The wiring to the motor was correct. I double and tripple checked. I remapped the extruder motor to drive 4, heated up the hot end and manually extruded (without actually extruding just running a motor) and it worked fine. I remaped the same setup to drive 3 (original E0 driver) and the new moto did not work and I got the same warning for a short to ground. So I do have a bad driver for EO on the card. I then Checked the BIQU motor. I have readings directly form the motor. one coil is 2.7ohm and the other is .7ohm. So iI do also have a bad motor. Probably what fried the driver on the Duet. So off to search for anew motor. Looks like the gear on the motor is pressed on and accordingto everything I have found not available. It a NEMA 14 motor but all have a plain shaft. So I will contact Biqu to see if one is available. So I do appreciate the help. It pointed me in the right direction.
@oldironjunkie depending on what you paid for the BQ revo, typically the E3D original is not much difference in cost and I believe a better product.
Like I mentioned, everything from the far east is questionable, so always check thoroughly every part. I dismantled the thing completely and did a once over. This conversation had got me thinking, from now on I’m testing parts on a cheap board first.
If you can return it, that would be the best choice. If not, hopefully you can get a good working unit.
I’ve had success with the BQ Revo and original BQ V2 (using the E3D hot end parts).
Certain components are worth spending the extra dough for. It seems counterproductive to pair a duet board with subpar components.
@bricor I used the Biqu considering it was about $50 cheaper with shipping. Also testing it was not a problem. It worked ok when tested .It only quit about 5 minutes into the print. That is what is most frustrting. I also did a bunch of upgrdes at the same time instead of doing one at a time. That would have takea way longer then it did. I was down as it is for about 3 days. Now looking back I probably would have had the same problem although I would have been down alot longer. I have projects I do all the time. and could not be down too long. As it is I will be down probaly the same as I am having trouble getting a replacement motor. Its a nema 14 but the gear installed on it is very fine and also it is pressed on so its not a replacement part. I may just end up getting another one (abou$135 on Amazon) even it is more expensive for me (I got the original one quite cheap shipped out of China from BigTree Tech) as compared to the Hemera Revo about $160-$175) . Also the Hemera is a bit larger and also heavier. The light weight is about the same weight and size as the Biqu but it also is about the same price as the regular Hemera. I guess you live and learn and deduct it from your taxes at the end of the year. Thanks for you help and advice.
@oldironjunkie I bought the BQ extruders for the same reasons you stated. I bought the BQ revo for about 100 bucks. I think it was 105 landed from China and I believe I paid 160 for the Revo XS. You are correct for the right price its more attractive, but at its regular price there’s not much of a difference.
if you can buy one on Amazon, when you receive the new one, pack up the defective one and return it to amazon. Make sure when you buy it. it’s marked as shipped from Amazon (better if it’s shipped and sold from Amazon (not a third-party seller)) -
@bricor Will do. Thanks.