6 axis 3d printer ABB Rapid conversion.
Hoping for some help, looking g at 6 axis robotic printer. I love how easy duet setup is so want to implement control on a ABB 6400R IRC5. What I was thinking is that if g code can be converted to rapid surely the reverse is possible. So wondering if via the can connection would this be possible. Obviously some sort of protocol/board required for can to profinet.
Might be asking too much but never know until you ask.
Main reason for me is I am not very computer literate but can use the duet setup and would be a far easier for me personally.
Look forward to your reply. -
@Hoops40 It may well be possible to convert gcode to rapid however the Duet does not support commands in rapid so that would need to be implemented on the IRC5 (or some intermediate bridge). In addition there would need to be a bridge between the Profinet to the Duet CAN-FD network. None of that exists AFAIK and its a large amount of work to implement.
@T3P3Tony understood, maybe via raspberry pi using python for instant conversion of commands.
I saw a converter on github using python to convert files but could this be done line by line in real-time?https://github.com/DAguirreAg/GCode-to-ABB
Would be great to use this on the older system s4c, since it has connectivity restrictions as well as memory.
@T3P3Tony thought I should add this would only be for motion.
@T3P3Tony I am speaking to a software company this Friday to see if this is possible and potential costing.
@T3P3Tony said in 6 axis 3d printer ABB Rapid conversion.:
not sure if 6 axis is going to be possible
The current development focus of robot kinematics is on 6 axis robots, where currently the axes 4 to 6 must be spheric (as is the case with typical industrial ones like ABB 6400R). Currently axes 1 and 2 must intersect or axes 2 and 3 must be parallel, but I currently try to lower this restriction for a general axes 1-3 solution.
My former tries were an iterative inverse kinematics solution for all possible robot configurations, but there were cases with no or too slow solutions. So I changed to closed solutions, which gives all 8 (16) robot solutions. This is based on Paden-Kahan subproblem solutions, but this doesn't support all configurations. The current restrictions are as described above, but I'll try to cover more cases.
The starting point of documentation is https://docs.duet3d.com/User_manual/Machine_configuration/Configuring_RepRapFirmware_for_a_Robot_printer with mutliple pages about different robot topics. Current development focus is on screw theory and geometric algebra.
@JoergS5 thank you, I'm in the learning stage myself. This is why I thought it would be a good idea to seek outside assistance.
Cheers for the link gives me plenty of information to go by.