Setting up Eclipse to Develop Firmware
I really just need to make some small firmware changes and some custom g-code commands.
I purchased the DuetWifi, PanelDue, and am waiting for the Duex5. Hoping to have it solved by the time it arrives! If I can't get it to work on Mac or Windows, I may just uninstall everything and try again when firmware version 1.2 is out.
Thanks for all the help you've provided so far!
I had no problem installing/compiling under linux. You may try to install a linux system in a Virtualbox env, and compile from there.
Ok, I will try. I'm using a decently powered Mac using Parallels to run windows and I assume I can put Linux on here too. Which Linux OS/distribution do you recommend? Ubuntu? I have limited experience with Linux, but I can learn!
So strange though. It seems like the only thing I need to fix is these empty quotation marks and it will fix everything:
-Wl,–start-group ""The file it is looking for is 100% in the right folder. And the command line pattern is exactly how dc42's is.
I run debian, but I think ubuntu is fine too (all dev libs exist).
About the missing path, you can try to replace:
or ${workspace_loc:/${CoreName}
to see if it fixes the problem.
LOL, I literally just tried it before reading your post AND IT WORKED!!!!!!
Just in case someone in the future has this problem, this is what I changed:
${COMMAND} ${FLAGS} ${OUTPUT_FLAG} ${OUTPUT_PREFIX}${OUTPUT} ${LINK_FLAGS_1} "${workspace_loc:/${CoreName}/SAM4E8E/cores/arduino/syscalls.o}" ${INPUTS} ${LINK_FLAGS_2}
changed it to:
${COMMAND} ${FLAGS} ${OUTPUT_FLAG} ${OUTPUT_PREFIX}${OUTPUT} ${LINK_FLAGS_1} "/Users/John/eclipse-workspace/CoreNG/SAM4E8E/cores/arduino/syscalls.o" ${INPUTS} ${LINK_FLAGS_2}(make sure the quotes are there but the curly brackets and dollar signs removed).
Thanks everyone!
I'm so happy
But I think I found the issue. The string:
should be :
There where a missing bracket at the end of the workspace_loc var…
Can you confirm?
When I browse around in the settings, the way that all of the Includes are is like this:
"${workspace_loc:/${CoreName}/asf/common/utils}"So I don't think that was the issue.
Eg. when you write it like this:
"${workspace_loc}:/${CoreName}/SAM4E8E/cores/arduino/syscalls.o}"you have an extra curly bracket because there is one on the far right 2nd last to the end.
Mmm, you're right, they are all defined this way… Strange.
If it is of any help, I was getting the exact same error because I made the mistake of having the projects not under the workspace directory.
When I created the workspace in the parent directory of the project sources (CoreNG and RepRapFirmware directories) the error went away as expected. The ${workspace_loc:} is expecting them to be under the workspace directory.
However, I am getting undefined reference errors during linking for: lprintf, sqrtf, floorf, etc.
I am running under OS X with gcc-arm-none-eabi-6-2017-q2-update tools. Is there a library missing from the linker options that the IDE should include based on dependencies?
My problem of unresolved references was solved by resetting .cproject and .settings/language.settings.xml in RepRapFirmware project to repository version and then changing the project properties as per instructions. Subsequent build was successful.
But I think I found the issue. The string:
should be :
There where a missing bracket at the end of the workspace_loc var…
Can you confirm?
Recently I was getting this issue intermittently. I think it is an Eclipse bug. So in the latest commit I changed the path to this:
This seems to have resolved it.