Files sorting by date ?
Is that any way to display Gcode files (sort by date) from sd card in PanelDue ?????
@hareshprajapati not yet, but this is already on the wish list.
@dc42 Currently M20 Provides only file names
I know there were some methods for timestamps also.But all I need to know is that how we can sort those files using timestamp ?
have you any idea ? how to implement it in paneldue firmware side?
@hareshprajapati PanelDue currently uses the M20 S2 command to fetch a list of filenames in JSON format. However, there is an undocumented M20 S3 variant that returns file details as well as the names, so PanelDue could use that one instead. The returned data is the same as for the rr_filelist HTTP call, see
Thank you for pointing out it.