The burnt patch looks to be right next to the output of the driver - Check for lose bits of metal that might be rattling about in the electronics enclosure, including behind the board.
From the picture I can't tell if the output connector is burnt or if it's just the lighting ?
That does seem very strange. I would indeed appreciate close-up photos of the driver chip. Also, please check whether the back of the board is scorched in that area, and whether there is any way that the output connector pins on the back of the board could have been shorted to or by anything.
Thanks strips,
This is just about as good a picture as I am going to get.
Thanks dc42, The back of the board is completely clear from everything. If stepper driver No 4 isn't allocated to anything within the .config file, should there have been any power through it at the time anyways?
thanks yangndrw, The pins are clean, that is just the reflection from the grey case.
I have been using the printer since then with no issues until now, when I have update the firmware to 1.19. I am now getting temperature warnings on this driver. Can I disable these warnings as they are coming through every few seconds?
Currently there is no way to disable the temperature warnings. If it is less than 6 months since you purchased your Duet, please ask your supplier to replace the driver under warranty.
Thanks for the reply. The board is 11 months old. Will they still replace the driver as it burnt out in March (see above)?
As you reported it in March, I would expect it to be covered.
I'll consider providing a way to disable monitoring of specific drivers in firmware 1.20.
Thanks for the advice, ill send them a message.