Tool change issues after firmware update 1.19.2
Dear Sorry was on my mobile did not see David's Post
please find her under the config file
M111 S0
M555 P2
M208 X0 Y0 Z-1 S1
M208 X200 Y200 Z306 S0; Endstops
M574 X1 Z2 S0
M574 Y1 S0
M558 P1 X0 Y0 Z1 H3 F200 T6000
G31 P500 X0 Y0 Z0.3
M557 X10:140 Y10:140 S20; Drives
M569 P0 S0
M569 P1 S0
M569 P2 S1
M569 P3 S1
M569 P4 S1
M350 X16 Y16 E16:16 I1
M350 Z16 I0
M92 X160 Y160 Z400 E837:837
M566 X400 Y400 Z15 E100:100
M203 X10000 Y10000 Z2400 E1500:1500
M201 X1200 Y1200 Z200 E3000:3000
M906 X1400 Y1400 Z1300 E1400:1400
M84 S0; Heaters
M143 H0 S110
M143 H1 S335
M143 H2 S265
M301 H0 S1.00 P10 I0.1 D200 T0.4 W180 B30
M305 P2 T100000 B4138 C0 R4700 X201
M305 P1 T100000 B4138 C0 R4700 X200
M305 P0 T100000 B4725 C7.060000e-8 R3750 X1; Tools
M563 P0 D0 H1
G10 P0 X-19.92 Y-0.20 Z0.0
G10 P0 R0 S0
M563 P1 D1 H2
G10 P1 X19.8 Y0 Z-0.09
G10 P1 R0 S0; Network
M550 PMy printer
M552 S1 ;
M586 P0 S1
M586 P1 S0
M586 P2 S0; Fans
M106 P2 S0.3 I0 F12 H-1
M106 P1 S1 I0 F100 H-1
M106 P0 S1 I0 F10 H-1; Custom settings are not configured
G1 Z5 F6000
G1 X-15 F6000
G1 Y180 F6000
G1 X30 F6000
G1 X70 F6000tfree1
G1 Z5 F6000
G1 X195 Y50 F6000
G1 Y180 F6000
G1 X50 F6000
G1 Y50 F6000tpre0
G0 X50 F6000
G1 Y180 F6000
G1 X5 F6000
G1 Y50 F6000tpre1
G0 X50 F6000
G1 Y180 F6000
G1 X175 F6000
G1 Y50 F6000thanks
Manuel Topiol -
Friendly bump
Best regards
Manuel -
Dear dc42 & t3p3tony
Did u have any chance to check on my issue , I am still Struggling with it , I can confirme that the issue is not related with the tfree tpre and tpost , if I disabled them and do the tool change movements via the slicer I get the same result the wrong tool is active when I switch to tool1
In the hope of hearing from you
Best regards
Manuel Topiol -
Gentle bump bump
Manuel -
We're going to be busy with the TCT show for the next week, so feel free to remind us after that.
Also please check whether this is a Duet Web Control bug, or whether the same bug occurs if you send the appropriate T commands directly. One of my machines exhibits an inability to select or deselect a tool using the Tool link in DWC 1.19, but it works fine if I send the appropriate T commands from the GCode Console.
Dear thanks for your reply
with the t command I get the same result I have been trying every possible combinations with no success, I am supprized that no more people are experiencing the same problems , or maybe less people are using a tool changeOk i will recontacter you after your show , hope it goes well , good luck !!!
Best regards
Manuel Topiol -
There were directions to roll back to 1.18 if you wanted to do that, just to confirm it is an update issue.
Good day
Yes I did roll back the issue was gone , then I did the update again the issue was back , since then I am doing try and error to pin point where the issue is comming from.
The steps I undertook where :
1 ) tool change with a very basic gcode file just switchings from t0 to t1 to t0 to t1 with the tfree tpost tpre active
2 )deactivated the tfree tpost tpre and did the tool change from within the slicer
3 )tripel checked my config file and cabelingIssue stays the same what ever I do .the active tool remains t0 after loading t1
Every test I did tend to let me think it's an update issue or some mistake on my part but it's not very likely I have my config info in a previous post maybe you could help me have a double check
Best regards
Manuel -
Are you certain that Tool 0 stays active after you select Tool 1, and it isn't that DWC is mis-reporting it? If you send G10 P0 S0 then this should cool down tool 0 if it really is active, but do nothing if it isn't.
You can remove the M587 command from config.g, it only needs to run once to save your access point details on the WiFi module.
Dear ,
yes I am sure that it is not a reporting error from the web interface cause when I try to park t1 back the tool it's crashing with tool0 trying to park back tool0 with isn't loaded tool1 is
Best regard
Manuel -
dear DC42
Hope you had a successful trade show saw some videos on YouTube
next year I will try to come , if time permits
I was overseas for some time, just came back .So nothing changed to my situation , so I am coming back to you
Best Regards
Manuel Topiol -
Thanks for the reminder.
Please try firmware 1.20beta2. It probably won't change anything, but I need to know that the fault is still present.
Pending your report, I have this on my list to look at tomorrow.
Good evening
Thanks for the quick responds
I will update the firmware to 1.20beta 2 1st thing in the morning and revert with result
Best Regards
Manuel -
Dear I have done the update of the firmware per your request
Situation is the same with a slight difference
now when I select tool 0 from a fresh machine boot , it doesn't complete the full tool change, the gcode file is not fully processed,
as opposed to before I could just type T0 and it will collect the tool without problem .after I put the T0 back in standby and do an other T0 I will get it correctly ,
then I do a T1 command and it will fetch tool1 but after the selection is complete T0 is set to active., I feel strange, for sure I am not the only guy owning a duet wifi with a tool change, but no one else is complaining about this problem
Best Regards
Manuel Topiol -
for info
Firmware Name: RepRapFirmware for Duet WiFi
Firmware Electronics: Duet WiFi 1.0
Firmware Version: 1.20beta4 (2017-10-28)
WiFi Server Version: 1.20beta2
Web Interface Version: 1.19.3best regards
Dear DC42
There is some improvement and possibly resolved !!!!
I just updated the firmware as per previous msg
tried again the tool change, the problem of the 1st boot and T0 command disappeared, then I did a T1 command and I got an error MSG Error: Bad command: Lift Z relatively to current position
I removed the Z lift command and now when I change tools the correct tool is active
some thing strange is that the z lift is the same in pre0 then in pre1 but the error is only appearing in T1
Best Regards
Manuel Topiol -
I'm glad the main issue is resolved. I think you have the text "Lift Z relatively to current position" in your tpre1.g file, without the semicolon at the start to indicate that it is a comment.
I will check right away
you are right
the ; was missing , but it has always been missing cause I did not edit the file
the error msg is gone but the stop in the middle of the tool change remains on T1T0 is being parked and collected correctly
but when it goes back to collect tool1 seems that to stops before finished and immediately wait for the tool to get to temp then continue printing but the tool1 is not loadedThanks
Best Regards
Manuel Topiol -
OK, it's back on my list to look at.