Version 3.4-b7 released
@chrishamm i got this error when updating my SBC
Error: An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (PluginManager.deps.json) was not found: package: 'runtimepack.Microsoft.NETCore.App.Runtime.linux-arm', version: '6.0.0' path: 'System.Net.Quic.dll'
Anything to worry about?
@jay_s_uk I just downgraded to 3.4-b6, upgraded to 3.4-b7 again, and I did not see that message. Are you using the 32-bit or the 64-bit build?
@chrishamm i have no idea. probably 32 bit from the age of the image.
@owend said in Version 3.4-b7 released:
Is heater_fault.g called at all times, or only during printing?
Only during printing from SD card or an attached Pi.
Hi All,
Just trying out the updated firmware. The v0.2 alpha closed loop plugin doesn't allow me to select current step and step phase parameters for graphing. The check boxes are greyed out as if I hadn't selected to record the data.I noted;
"When collecting data from EXP1HCL closed loop driver boards, some fields in the .csv file have been renamed to match changes to the plugin."
Note: I did use the 0.3 1HCL driver to update my pre-production board.
Is there a new version of the plugin available? The latest is 0.2 alpha in the git repo from August.
Many thanks
Barry M -
Before I consider 3.4b7 and following, I would like clarification on the heater fault changes:
Note that the event system is still under development, Currently, RRF does not attempt to turn off power to the whole machine if the user does not respond to the heater fault. We plan to reinstate this or a similar function in release 3.4.0RC1.
What would I need to put into heater-fault.g to recreate the exact behavior that was built-in in 3.3-3.4b6? Any special considerations I need to take on an IDEX printer?
With regard to driver_error....
Do all parameters equally apply to Duet 2 (apart from CAN address)?
The notes say if the macro isn't found the print is paused without running pause.g. Presumably because pause.g would normally have movements which may not be possible. What state are the heaters left in?
Just weighing up the pros and cons of having a driver_error.g macro in place.
@chrishamm Small UI bug with the left navigation menu @ 1024x768 (iPad), & 1024x1366 (iPad Pro) resolutions.
When running below 1024x768 resolution the left menu contains the connect and emergency stop buttons, and the new bottom menu is shown for the remaining menu items.
When running @ 1024x768 or 1024x1366 the left menu is empty and the the connect buttons & emergency stop buttons move to their original top bar position. The new bottom menu is still displayed with the full menu items.
Update : Also at these resolutions the status panel is shown by default and available as a menu item so you end up with 2 status sections. I think the framework resolution display breakpoints have been mixed up.
I don't think the empty/blank left menu is by design.
I found this whilst updating BtnCmd to work with new mobile menu designs in 3.4b7, which leads me to another question...
I chose to define anything below 1024x768 as the resolution to trigger specific mobile features in BtnCmd, as user feedback was that when running on larger Tablet/Pads the desktop version was preferred, and this seemed to be inline with DWC. It would appear that the new bottom menu is triggered at higher resolutions, which is conflicting with BtnCmd. I would prefer to keep BtnCmd inline with DWC, so can you confirm if triggering the bottom menu for <= 1024x1366 is correct, and I will adjust BtnCmd to be inline with that choice.
Many Thanks
@owend said in Version 3.4-b7 released:
With regard to driver_error....
- Do all parameters equally apply to Duet 2 (apart from CAN address)?
Yes. The B parameter is provided but for compatibility but it will always be zero on Duet 2.
- The notes say if the macro isn't found the print is paused without running pause.g. Presumably because pause.g would normally have movements which may not be possible. What state are the heaters left in?
Heaters are left running.
Just wanted to let you know that the issue I reported on the b6 for the Delta here appears to have been resolved in the b7
I will try to make a few prints on my 2 deltas during the next days
Any news about correct the CAN delays limitation?
We can't use the mesh bed leveling in our printer because this issue. It get's increase each trigger point for the probe as it's going on while mesh creation or static G30 S-1 probe. Is not an accuracy or precission probe problem at all.
We drive all our axis (XYZUV) with 1XD boards connected by CANbus, and prinheads with 1LC (E0,E1,E2) and driven by absolute encoder closed loop motors (Oriental Motor AZD-K drivers and motors) using STEP and DIR signals from 1XD to OM Drivers.
So we think all the problems regarding probing (located in Z axis) are caused by this timing problem, while all the normal printing work is fine.Thank you very much.
@marcossf I'm sorry, this isn't resolved yet. It is a high priority item though.
@dc42 Thanks David.
I hope you will be able to sort it out very soon. Let me know if you want us to test something on our hardware, if you need it.
Marcos -
@chrishamm Hi and thanks for the update. I've just updated to the new web controls from 3.3 but have lost any information about machine and work positions at the top of the dashboard. I am using CNC Mode. I can see it returns in Printer Mode. Is it also possible to have the option to see this information for advanced users, and to also remove the Go To Zero button under the movement buttons. If someone is using the wasteboard as Z0 and material has been fixed, moving to zero will crash the bit.