Duet Wifi Crashes on Gcode start
I am trying to run a Gcode file that I sliced in Super slicer. Smaller files work but this one seems to crash the whole printer after it finishes waiting for the temps to reach the targets.
M122 output after crash
M122 === Diagnostics === RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet version 3.3 (2021-06-15 21:44:54) running on Duet WiFi 1.02 or later Board ID: 0JD0M-9P6M2-NW4SS-6JKDG-3S46J-TUYBM Used output buffers: 3 of 24 (20 max) === RTOS === Static ram: 23876 Dynamic ram: 75324 of which 116 recycled Never used RAM 15100, free system stack 184 words Tasks: NETWORK(notifyWait,13.2%,244) HEAT(delaying,0.0%,314) Move(notifyWait,0.1%,340) MAIN(running,86.1%,442) IDLE(ready,0.5%,29), total 100.0% Owned mutexes: WiFi(NETWORK) === Platform === Last reset 00:03:25 ago, cause: software Last software reset at 2021-11-30 15:42, reason: HardFault unaligned, none spinning, available RAM 14716, slot 1 Software reset code 0x4072 HFSR 0x40000000 CFSR 0x01000000 ICSR 0x0041f803 BFAR 0xe000ed38 SP 0x200031e8 Task NETW Freestk 352 ok Stack: a5a5a5a9 20009610 200034a8 00448f13 ffffffff 004064db 004060d8 810e0000 200034a8 20007688 200034a8 004110cd 20003230 20017ced 00000026 00000002 00474894 00000000 00000004 ffffa5a5 00000004 00000000 20007688 00406de5 20007688 004712af 00448f13 Error status: 0x08 Aux0 errors 0,0,0 Step timer max interval 0 MCU temperature: min 54.9, current 55.1, max 57.8 Supply voltage: min 12.0, current 12.0, max 12.1, under voltage events: 0, over voltage events: 0, power good: yes Heap OK, handles allocated/used 0/0, heap memory allocated/used/recyclable 0/0/0, gc cycles 0 Driver 0: position 0, standstill, SG min/max not available Driver 1: position 0, standstill, SG min/max not available Driver 2: position 0, standstill, SG min/max not available Driver 3: position 0, standstill, SG min/max not available Driver 4: position 0, standstill, SG min/max not available Driver 5: position 0 Driver 6: position 0 Driver 7: position 0 Driver 8: position 0 Driver 9: position 0 Driver 10: position 0 Driver 11: position 0 Date/time: 2021-11-30 15:45:36 Cache data hit count 4294967295 Slowest loop: 6.61ms; fastest: 0.17ms I2C nak errors 0, send timeouts 0, receive timeouts 0, finishTimeouts 0, resets 0 === Storage === Free file entries: 10 SD card 0 detected, interface speed: 20.0MBytes/sec SD card longest read time 52.4ms, write time 0.0ms, max retries 3 === Move === DMs created 83, maxWait 0ms, bed compensation in use: none, comp offset 0.000 === MainDDARing === Scheduled moves 0, completed moves 0, hiccups 0, stepErrors 0, LaErrors 0, Underruns [0, 0, 0], CDDA state -1 === AuxDDARing === Scheduled moves 0, completed moves 0, hiccups 0, stepErrors 0, LaErrors 0, Underruns [0, 0, 0], CDDA state -1 === Heat === Bed heaters = 0 -1 -1 -1, chamberHeaters = -1 -1 -1 -1 Heater 1 is on, I-accum = 0.0 === GCodes === Segments left: 0 Movement lock held by null HTTP is idle in state(s) 0 Telnet is idle in state(s) 0 File is idle in state(s) 0 USB is idle in state(s) 0 Aux is idle in state(s) 0 Trigger is idle in state(s) 0 Queue is idle in state(s) 0 LCD is idle in state(s) 0 Daemon is idle in state(s) 0 Autopause is idle in state(s) 0 Code queue is empty. === Network === Slowest loop: 57.59ms; fastest: 0.00ms Responder states: HTTP(0) HTTP(0) HTTP(0) HTTP(0) FTP(0) Telnet(0), 0 sessions HTTP sessions: 1 of 8 - WiFi - Network state is active WiFi module is connected to access point Failed messages: pending 0, notready 0, noresp 0 WiFi firmware version 1.26 WiFi MAC address e8:db:84:f7:26:1a WiFi Vcc 3.33, reset reason Turned on by main processor WiFi flash size 4194304, free heap 22928 WiFi IP address WiFi signal strength -70dBm, mode 802.11n, reconnections 0, sleep mode modem Clock register 00002002 Socket states: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Let me know what other information would be helpful to diagnose.
@kickjaw Post your GCODE file also.
The full file is too large to upload. Here is the first 500 lines.
; generated by SuperSlicer 2.3.57 on 2021-11-30 at 20:29:15 UTC ; ; external perimeters extrusion width = 0.40mm ; perimeters extrusion width = 0.40mm ; infill extrusion width = 0.40mm ; solid infill extrusion width = 0.40mm ; top infill extrusion width = 0.40mm ; first layer extrusion width = 0.40mm ; object:{"name":"3mm_Top_Corner_Side_x2","id":"3mm_Top_Corner_Side_x2.stl id:0 copy 0","object_center":[29.788802,84.415552,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[29.788802,84.415552,2.000000],"boundingbox_size":[31.500000,62.999992,4.000000]} ; object:{"name":"3mm_Top_Corner_Side_x2","id":"3mm_Top_Corner_Side_x2.stl id:0 copy 1","object_center":[28.132413,170.536152,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[28.132413,170.536152,2.000000],"boundingbox_size":[31.500000,62.999992,4.000000]} ; object:{"name":"3mm_Top_Corner_Side_mirror_x1","id":"3mm_Top_Corner_Side_mirror_x1.stl id:1 copy 0","object_center":[67.866497,110.488844,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[67.866497,110.488844,2.000000],"boundingbox_size":[31.500000,63.000000,4.000000]} ; object:{"name":"3mm_Top_Corner_Rear_x1","id":"3mm_Top_Corner_Rear_x1.stl id:2 copy 0","object_center":[117.025614,138.012939,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[117.025614,138.012939,2.000000],"boundingbox_size":[31.500000,63.000000,4.000000]} ; object:{"name":"3mm_Top_Corner_Front_x1","id":"3mm_Top_Corner_Front_x1.stl id:3 copy 0","object_center":[50.979237,45.670760,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[50.979237,45.670760,2.499999],"boundingbox_size":[31.500000,63.000000,4.999998]} ; object:{"name":"3mm_Middle_Clip_x9","id":"3mm_Middle_Clip_x9.stl id:4 copy 0","object_center":[187.692802,124.878069,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[187.692802,124.878069,2.000000],"boundingbox_size":[15.000000,24.999985,4.000000]} ; object:{"name":"3mm_Middle_Clip_x9","id":"3mm_Middle_Clip_x9.stl id:4 copy 1","object_center":[42.204249,158.786459,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[42.204249,158.786459,2.000000],"boundingbox_size":[15.000000,24.999985,4.000000]} ; object:{"name":"3mm_Middle_Clip_x9","id":"3mm_Middle_Clip_x9.stl id:4 copy 2","object_center":[145.119568,186.317705,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[145.119568,186.317705,2.000000],"boundingbox_size":[15.000000,24.999985,4.000000]} ; object:{"name":"3mm_Middle_Clip_x9","id":"3mm_Middle_Clip_x9.stl id:4 copy 3","object_center":[185.521711,161.668573,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[185.521711,161.668573,2.000000],"boundingbox_size":[15.000000,24.999985,4.000000]} ; object:{"name":"3mm_Middle_Clip_x9","id":"3mm_Middle_Clip_x9.stl id:4 copy 4","object_center":[61.533888,187.642719,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[61.533888,187.642719,2.000000],"boundingbox_size":[15.000000,24.999985,4.000000]} ; object:{"name":"3mm_Middle_Clip_x9","id":"3mm_Middle_Clip_x9.stl id:4 copy 5","object_center":[106.450401,188.605946,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[106.450401,188.605946,2.000000],"boundingbox_size":[15.000000,24.999985,4.000000]} ; object:{"name":"3mm_Middle_Clip_x9","id":"3mm_Middle_Clip_x9.stl id:4 copy 6","object_center":[166.924231,186.289387,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[166.924231,186.289387,2.000000],"boundingbox_size":[15.000000,24.999985,4.000000]} ; object:{"name":"3mm_Middle_Clip_x9","id":"3mm_Middle_Clip_x9.stl id:4 copy 7","object_center":[84.942116,188.481209,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[84.942116,188.481209,2.000000],"boundingbox_size":[15.000000,24.999985,4.000000]} ; object:{"name":"3mm_Middle_Clip_x9","id":"3mm_Middle_Clip_x9.stl id:4 copy 8","object_center":[125.888863,187.750513,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[125.888863,187.750513,2.000000],"boundingbox_size":[15.000000,24.999985,4.000000]} ; object:{"name":"3mm_Hinge_Top_B_x1","id":"3mm_Hinge_Top_B_x1.stl id:5 copy 0","object_center":[78.087966,137.623091,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[78.087966,137.623091,2.499527],"boundingbox_size":[34.999893,63.000000,4.999053]} ; object:{"name":"3mm_Hinge_Top_A_x1","id":"3mm_Hinge_Top_A_x1.stl id:6 copy 0","object_center":[96.514356,46.238788,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[96.514356,46.238788,2.500000],"boundingbox_size":[34.000000,63.000000,5.000000]} ; object:{"name":"3mm_Bottom_Corner_Side_x2","id":"3mm_Bottom_Corner_Side_x2.stl id:7 copy 0","object_center":[72.981858,58.882453,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[72.981858,58.882453,1.999999],"boundingbox_size":[32.000004,30.000000,3.999998]} ; object:{"name":"3mm_Bottom_Corner_Side_x2","id":"3mm_Bottom_Corner_Side_x2.stl id:7 copy 1","object_center":[133.173338,42.691611,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[133.173338,42.691611,1.999999],"boundingbox_size":[32.000004,30.000000,3.999998]} ; object:{"name":"3mm_Bottom_Corner_Side_mirror_x1","id":"3mm_Bottom_Corner_Side_mirror_x1.stl id:8 copy 0","object_center":[139.335727,150.853850,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[139.335727,150.853850,1.999999],"boundingbox_size":[32.000000,30.000000,3.999998]} ; object:{"name":"3mm_Bottom_Corner_Rear_x1","id":"3mm_Bottom_Corner_Rear_x1.stl id:9 copy 0","object_center":[171.664548,43.478435,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[171.664548,43.478435,2.500000],"boundingbox_size":[32.000000,30.000000,5.000000]} ; object:{"name":"3mm_Bottom_Corner_Rear_mirror_x1","id":"3mm_Bottom_Corner_Rear_mirror_x1.stl id:10 copy 0","object_center":[159.878283,75.155802,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[159.878283,75.155802,2.500000],"boundingbox_size":[32.000004,30.000000,5.000000]} ; object:{"name":"3mm_Bottom_Corner_Front_x1","id":"3mm_Bottom_Corner_Front_x1.stl id:11 copy 0","object_center":[125.558664,75.043969,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[125.558664,75.043969,2.500000],"boundingbox_size":[32.000000,30.000008,5.000000]} ; object:{"name":"Door_Handle_x1","id":"Door_Handle_x1.STL id:12 copy 0","object_center":[138.319742,92.961334,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[138.319742,92.961334,5.000000],"boundingbox_size":[104.243851,25.499999,10.000000]} ; object:{"name":"Door_Latch_x2","id":"Door_Latch_x2.STL id:13 copy 0","object_center":[22.172634,30.515469,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[22.172634,30.515469,4.500000],"boundingbox_size":[15.000000,18.000000,9.000000]} ; object:{"name":"Door_Latch_x2","id":"Door_Latch_x2.STL id:13 copy 1","object_center":[22.861942,127.589356,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[22.861942,127.589356,4.500000],"boundingbox_size":[15.000000,18.000000,9.000000]} ; Total objects to print: 25 M486 T25 ; plater:{"center":[103.787608,108.103454,0.000000],"boundingbox_center":[103.787608,108.103454,5.000000],"boundingbox_size":[182.810389,187.865389,10.000000]} M73 P0 R302 ;TYPE:Custom M862.3 P "MK2.5" ; printer model check M862.1 P0.4 ; nozzle diameter check M115 U3.10.0 ; tell printer latest fw version G90 ; use absolute coordinates M83 ; extruder relative mode M104 S250 ; set extruder temp M140 S110 ; set bed temp M190 S110 ; wait for bed temp M109 S250 ; wait for extruder temp G28 W ; home all without mesh bed level G80 ; mesh bed leveling G1 Y-3.0 F1000.0 ; go outside print area G92 E0.0 G1 X60.0 E9.0 F1000.0 ; intro line G1 X100.0 E12.5 F1000.0 ; intro line G92 E0.0 M107 G21 ; set units to millimeters G90 ; use absolute coordinates M83 ; use relative distances for extrusion ;LAYER_CHANGE ;Z:0.2 ;HEIGHT:0.2 ;BEFORE_LAYER_CHANGE G92 E0.0 ;0.2 G1 E-0.8 F2100 G1 Z0.4 F10800 ;AFTER_LAYER_CHANGE ;0.2 M204 P1500 G1 X6.625 Y9.805 M204 P1000 G1 X13.249 Y19.61 G1 Z0.2 G1 E0.8 F2100 ;TYPE:Skirt ;WIDTH:0.4 G1 F1500 G1 X13.877 Y19.292 E0.01923 G1 X38.275 Y11.832 E0.69692 G1 X38.822 Y11.778 E0.01501 G1 X60.901 Y11.778 E0.60309 G1 X112.321 Y12.37 E1.4047 G1 X172.848 Y26.204 E1.69597 G1 X173.908 Y26.606 E0.03098 G1 X174.425 Y26.93 E0.01666 G1 X174.9 Y27.331 E0.01698 G1 X188.783 Y41.213 E0.53628 G1 X189.444 Y42.069 E0.02956 G1 X189.841 Y42.945 E0.02626 G1 X190.036 Y43.883 E0.02615 G1 X197.577 Y117.942 E2.03346 G1 X197.583 Y131.671 E0.37504 G1 X195.389 Y168.809 E1.01621 M73 P0 R301 G1 X195.133 Y169.886 E0.03024 G1 X194.591 Y170.901 E0.03144 G1 X175.86 Y195.696 E0.84883 G1 X171.669 Y199.928 E0.1627 G1 X170.799 Y200.589 E0.02985 G1 X169.818 Y201.008 E0.02915 G1 X168.861 Y201.173 E0.02651 G1 X108.161 Y203.498 E1.6593 G1 X38.08 Y204.429 E1.9145 G1 X14.966 Y204.429 E0.63139 G1 X14.227 Y204.328 E0.02037 G1 X13.534 Y204.04 E0.02049 G1 X12.939 Y203.584 E0.02049 G1 X12.481 Y202.989 E0.02049 G1 X12.19 Y202.29 E0.02072 G1 X12.09 Y201.542 E0.02061 G1 X11.78 Y37.724 E4.47485 G1 X11.78 Y23.256 E0.3952 G1 X12.056 Y21.302 E0.0539 G1 X12.31 Y20.646 E0.01923 G1 X12.716 Y20.07 E0.01923 G1 X13.204 Y19.649 E0.0176 M204 P1500 G1 X13.319 Y19.784 F10800 M204 P1000 G1 X13.435 Y19.919 G1 F1500 G1 X13.457 Y19.901 E0.00078 G1 X14.011 Y19.623 E0.01694 G1 X38.354 Y12.18 E0.69533 G1 X38.823 Y12.135 E0.01288 G1 X60.9 Y12.135 E0.60307 G1 X112.272 Y12.724 E1.40337 G1 X172.767 Y26.552 E1.6951 G1 X173.74 Y26.921 E0.02843 G1 X174.217 Y27.22 E0.01537 G1 X174.655 Y27.591 E0.01569 G1 X188.526 Y41.462 E0.53585 G1 X189.133 Y42.245 E0.02705 G1 X189.501 Y43.055 E0.02431 G1 X189.681 Y43.919 E0.0241 G1 X197.22 Y117.956 E2.03287 G1 X197.226 Y131.656 E0.37422 G1 X195.034 Y168.765 E1.01545 G1 X194.8 Y169.757 E0.02783 G1 X194.3 Y170.693 E0.02899 G1 X175.578 Y195.478 E0.84848 G1 X171.424 Y199.668 E0.16114 G1 X170.624 Y200.278 E0.0275 G1 X169.716 Y200.666 E0.02696 G1 X168.842 Y200.816 E0.02424 G1 X108.16 Y203.141 E1.65882 G1 X38.076 Y204.072 E1.91458 G1 X14.975 Y204.072 E0.63103 G1 X14.325 Y203.985 E0.0179 G1 X13.716 Y203.733 E0.018 G1 X13.193 Y203.333 E0.018 G1 X12.792 Y202.814 E0.0179 G1 X12.535 Y202.199 E0.01822 G1 X12.447 Y201.541 E0.01813 G1 X12.137 Y37.724 E4.47483 G1 X12.137 Y23.268 E0.39489 G1 X12.401 Y21.392 E0.05175 G1 X12.626 Y20.814 E0.01694 G1 X12.986 Y20.304 E0.01704 G1 X13.39 Y19.958 E0.01452 M204 P1500 G1 X13.505 Y20.093 F10800 M204 P1000 G1 X13.62 Y20.228 G1 F1500 G1 X13.659 Y20.195 E0.0014 G1 X14.142 Y19.956 E0.0147 G1 X38.428 Y12.529 E0.69374 G1 X60.9 Y12.492 E0.61384 G1 X112.229 Y13.078 E1.40218 G1 X172.683 Y26.899 E1.69397 G1 X173.569 Y27.234 E0.02589 G1 X174.41 Y27.851 E0.02849 G1 X188.271 Y41.711 E0.53543 G1 X188.824 Y42.424 E0.02467 G1 X189.161 Y43.165 E0.02223 G1 X189.326 Y43.958 E0.02214 G1 X196.863 Y117.975 E2.03229 G1 X196.869 Y131.64 E0.37328 G1 X194.68 Y168.723 E1.01471 G1 X194.467 Y169.629 E0.02542 G1 X194.009 Y170.485 E0.02653 G1 X175.295 Y195.26 E0.84812 G1 X171.177 Y199.41 E0.15972 G1 X170.445 Y199.969 E0.02516 G1 X169.615 Y200.323 E0.02464 G1 X168.826 Y200.46 E0.02187 G1 X108.154 Y202.784 E1.65853 M73 P0 R300 G1 X38.072 Y203.715 E1.91453 G1 X14.979 Y203.715 E0.63081 G1 X14.416 Y203.64 E0.01549 G1 X13.896 Y203.424 E0.0154 G1 X13.445 Y203.08 E0.01549 G1 X13.101 Y202.634 E0.0154 G1 X12.88 Y202.107 E0.01559 G1 X12.804 Y201.54 E0.01563 G1 X12.494 Y37.724 E4.47481 G1 X12.494 Y23.274 E0.39471 G1 X12.747 Y21.483 E0.04941 G1 X12.941 Y20.981 E0.0147 G1 X13.25 Y20.545 E0.01461 G1 X13.575 Y20.267 E0.01167 ; INIT printing object 3mm_Top_Corner_Side_x2.stl id:0 copy 0 ;WIPE_START G1 F8640 G1 X13.659 Y20.195 E-0.02566 G1 X14.142 Y19.956 E-0.12429 G1 X16.668 Y19.184 E-0.61004 ;WIPE_END G1 E-0.04 F2100 G1 Z1 F10800 ; printing object 3mm_Top_Corner_Side_x2.stl id:0 copy 0 M486 S0 M204 P1500 G1 X25.357 Y62.664 M204 P1000 G1 X37.14 Y105.061 G1 Z0.2 G1 E0.8 F2100 ;TYPE:Internal perimeter G1 F1800 G1 X36.851 Y105.152 E0.00828 G1 X36.571 Y105.268 E0.00828 G1 X36.302 Y105.408 E0.00828 G1 X36.047 Y105.571 E0.00827 G1 X35.807 Y105.755 E0.00828 G1 X35.583 Y105.96 E0.00828 G1 X35.379 Y106.183 E0.00827 G1 X35.194 Y106.424 E0.00828 G1 X35.031 Y106.679 E0.00828 G1 X34.892 Y106.948 E0.00827 G1 X34.776 Y107.228 E0.00828 G1 X34.684 Y107.517 E0.00827 G1 X34.619 Y107.813 E0.00828 G1 X34.579 Y108.113 E0.00828 G1 X34.566 Y108.416 E0.00828 G1 X34.579 Y108.718 E0.00828 G1 X34.619 Y109.019 E0.00828 G1 X34.684 Y109.314 E0.00828 G1 X34.776 Y109.603 E0.00828 G1 X34.892 Y109.883 E0.00828 G1 X35.031 Y110.152 E0.00827 G1 X35.194 Y110.407 E0.00828 G1 X35.379 Y110.648 E0.00828 G1 X35.583 Y110.871 E0.00827 G1 X35.807 Y111.076 E0.00828 G1 X36.047 Y111.26 E0.00828 G1 X36.302 Y111.423 E0.00828 G1 X36.571 Y111.563 E0.00828 G1 X36.851 Y111.679 E0.00828 G1 X37.14 Y111.77 E0.00827 G1 X37.436 Y111.835 E0.00827 G1 X37.736 Y111.875 E0.00828 G1 X38.039 Y111.888 E0.00827 G1 X38.341 Y111.875 E0.00828 G1 X38.642 Y111.835 E0.00828 G1 X38.938 Y111.77 E0.00827 G1 X39.226 Y111.679 E0.00828 G1 X39.506 Y111.563 E0.00828 G1 X39.775 Y111.423 E0.00828 G1 X40.031 Y111.26 E0.00828 G1 X40.271 Y111.076 E0.00828 G1 X40.494 Y110.871 E0.00828 G1 X40.699 Y110.648 E0.00827 G1 X40.883 Y110.407 E0.00828 G1 X41.046 Y110.152 E0.00828 G1 X41.186 Y109.883 E0.00827 G1 X41.302 Y109.603 E0.00828 G1 X41.393 Y109.314 E0.00828 G1 X41.459 Y109.019 E0.00828 G1 X41.498 Y108.718 E0.00828 G1 X41.511 Y108.416 E0.00827 G1 X41.498 Y108.113 E0.00827 G1 X41.459 Y107.813 E0.00828 G1 X41.393 Y107.517 E0.00827 G1 X41.302 Y107.228 E0.00828 G1 X41.186 Y106.948 E0.00828 G1 X41.046 Y106.679 E0.00827 G1 X40.883 Y106.424 E0.00828 G1 X40.699 Y106.183 E0.00828 G1 X40.494 Y105.96 E0.00827 G1 X40.271 Y105.755 E0.00828 G1 X40.031 Y105.571 E0.00828 G1 X39.775 Y105.408 E0.00827 G1 X39.506 Y105.268 E0.00827 G1 X39.227 Y105.152 E0.00828 G1 X38.938 Y105.061 E0.00828 G1 X38.642 Y104.996 E0.00827 G1 X38.341 Y104.956 E0.00828 G1 X38.039 Y104.943 E0.00828 G1 X37.736 Y104.956 E0.00828 G1 X37.436 Y104.996 E0.00828 G1 X37.199 Y105.048 E0.00664 M204 P1500 G1 X37.237 Y105.223 F10800 M204 P1000 G1 X37.276 Y105.397 G1 F1767.5471 G1 X37.233 Y105.406 E0.00121 G1 X36.973 Y105.488 E0.00742 G1 X36.722 Y105.592 E0.00742 G1 X36.481 Y105.718 E0.00742 G1 X36.252 Y105.864 E0.00742 G1 X36.036 Y106.029 E0.00742 G1 X35.836 Y106.213 E0.00742 G1 X35.652 Y106.413 E0.00742 G1 X35.487 Y106.629 E0.00742 G1 X35.341 Y106.858 E0.00742 G1 X35.215 Y107.099 E0.00742 G1 X35.111 Y107.35 E0.00742 G1 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E0.00742 G1 X40.966 Y109.481 E0.00742 G1 X41.048 Y109.222 E0.00742 G1 X41.107 Y108.957 E0.00742 G1 X41.142 Y108.687 E0.00742 G1 X41.154 Y108.416 E0.00742 G1 X41.142 Y108.144 E0.00742 G1 X41.107 Y107.875 E0.00742 G1 X41.048 Y107.609 E0.00742 G1 X40.966 Y107.35 E0.00742 G1 X40.862 Y107.099 E0.00742 G1 X40.737 Y106.858 E0.00742 G1 X40.591 Y106.629 E0.00742 G1 X40.425 Y106.413 E0.00742 G1 X40.242 Y106.213 E0.00742 G1 X40.041 Y106.029 E0.00742 G1 X39.826 Y105.864 E0.00742 G1 X39.596 Y105.718 E0.00742 G1 X39.355 Y105.592 E0.00742 G1 X39.104 Y105.488 E0.00742 G1 X38.845 Y105.406 E0.00742 G1 X38.58 Y105.348 E0.00742 G1 X38.31 Y105.312 E0.00742 G1 X38.039 Y105.3 E0.00742 G1 X37.767 Y105.312 E0.00742 G1 X37.498 Y105.348 E0.00742 G1 X37.334 Y105.384 E0.00457 M204 P1500 G1 X37.373 Y105.558 F10800 M204 P1000 G1 X37.412 Y105.732 G1 F1599.1707 G1 X37.325 Y105.752 E0.00243 G1 X37.096 Y105.824 E0.00657 G1 X36.873 Y105.916 E0.00657 G1 X36.66 Y106.027 E0.00657 G1 X36.457 Y106.156 E0.00657 G1 X36.266 Y106.303 E0.00657 G1 X36.089 Y106.465 E0.00657 G1 X35.926 Y106.643 E0.00657 G1 X35.78 Y106.834 E0.00657 G1 X35.65 Y107.037 E0.00657 G1 X35.539 Y107.25 E0.00657 G1 X35.447 Y107.472 E0.00657 G1 X35.375 Y107.702 E0.00657 G1 X35.323 Y107.937 E0.00657 G1 X35.291 Y108.175 E0.00657 G1 X35.281 Y108.416 E0.00657 G1 X35.291 Y108.656 E0.00657 G1 X35.323 Y108.894 E0.00657 G1 X35.375 Y109.129 E0.00657 G1 X35.447 Y109.359 E0.00657 G1 X35.539 Y109.581 E0.00657 G1 X35.65 Y109.794 E0.00657 G1 X35.78 Y109.997 E0.00657 G1 X35.926 Y110.188 E0.00657 G1 X36.089 Y110.366 E0.00657 G1 X36.266 Y110.528 E0.00657 G1 X36.457 Y110.675 E0.00657 G1 X36.66 Y110.804 E0.00657 G1 X36.873 Y110.915 E0.00657 G1 X37.096 Y111.007 E0.00657 G1 X37.325 Y111.079 E0.00657 G1 X37.56 Y111.131 E0.00657 G1 X37.798 Y111.163 E0.00657 G1 X38.039 Y111.173 E0.00657 G1 X38.279 Y111.163 E0.00657 G1 X38.518 Y111.131 E0.00657 G1 X38.753 Y111.079 E0.00657 G1 X38.982 Y111.007 E0.00657 G1 X39.204 Y110.915 E0.00657 G1 X39.418 Y110.804 E0.00657 G1 X39.621 Y110.675 E0.00657 G1 X39.811 Y110.528 E0.00657 G1 X39.989 Y110.366 E0.00657 G1 X40.151 Y110.188 E0.00657 G1 X40.298 Y109.997 E0.00657 G1 X40.427 Y109.794 E0.00657 G1 X40.538 Y109.581 E0.00657 G1 X40.63 Y109.359 E0.00657 G1 X40.703 Y109.129 E0.00657 G1 X40.755 Y108.894 E0.00657 G1 X40.786 Y108.656 E0.00657 G1 X40.797 Y108.416 E0.00657 G1 X40.786 Y108.175 E0.00657 G1 X40.755 Y107.937 E0.00657 G1 X40.703 Y107.702 E0.00657 G1 X40.63 Y107.472 E0.00657 G1 X40.538 Y107.25 E0.00657 G1 X40.427 Y107.037 E0.00657 G1 X40.298 Y106.834 E0.00657 G1 X40.151 Y106.643 E0.00657 G1 X39.989 Y106.465 E0.00657 G1 X39.811 Y106.303 E0.00657 G1 X39.621 Y106.156 E0.00657 G1 X39.418 Y106.027 E0.00657 G1 X39.204 Y105.916 E0.00657 G1 X38.982 Y105.824 E0.00657 G1 X38.753 Y105.752 E0.00657 G1 X38.518 Y105.7 E0.00657 G1 X38.279 Y105.668 E0.00657 G1 X38.039 Y105.658 E0.00657 G1 X37.798 Y105.668 E0.00657 G1 X37.56 Y105.7 E0.00657 G1 X37.47 Y105.72 E0.00251 M204 P1500 G1 X37.509 Y105.894 F10800 M204 P1000 G1 X37.548 Y106.068 ;TYPE:External perimeter G1 F1236.2816 G1 X37.418 Y106.097 E0.00364 G1 X37.218 Y106.16 E0.00572 G1 X37.024 Y106.24 E0.00572 G1 X36.839 Y106.337 E0.00572 G1 X36.662 Y106.449 E0.00572 G1 X36.496 Y106.577 E0.00572 G1 X36.341 Y106.718 E0.00572 G1 X36.2 Y106.873 E0.00572 G1 X36.073 Y107.039 E0.00572 G1 X35.96 Y107.215 E0.00572 G1 X35.863 Y107.401 E0.00572 G1 X35.783 Y107.595 E0.00572 G1 X35.72 Y107.794 E0.00572 G1 X35.675 Y107.999 E0.00572 G1 X35.648 Y108.206 E0.00572 G1 X35.638 Y108.416 E0.00572 G1 X35.648 Y108.625 E0.00572 G1 X35.675 Y108.832 E0.00572 G1 X35.72 Y109.037 E0.00572 G1 X35.783 Y109.237 E0.00572 G1 X35.863 Y109.43 E0.00572 G1 X35.96 Y109.616 E0.00572 G1 X36.073 Y109.792 E0.00572 G1 X36.2 Y109.958 E0.00572 G1 X36.341 Y110.113 E0.00572 G1 X36.496 Y110.254 E0.00572 G1 X36.662 Y110.382 E0.00572 G1 X36.839 Y110.494 E0.00572 G1 X37.024 Y110.591 E0.00572 G1 X37.218 Y110.671 E0.00572 G1 X37.418 Y110.734 E0.00572 G1 X37.622 Y110.779 E0.00572 G1 X37.83 Y110.807 E0.00572 G1 X38.039 Y110.816 E0.00572 G1 X38.248 Y110.807 E0.00572 G1 X38.456 Y110.779 E0.00572 G1 X38.66 Y110.734 E0.00572 G1 X38.86 Y110.671 E0.00572
I have uploaded the file to google drive if you want to see the whole file.
If there is a better way to share it let me know. it is 13 kb.
@kickjaw Immediately after you wait for the temperatures to settle, you home the "W" axis with:
G28 W ; home all without mesh bed level
But I don't see a "W" axis defined:
M584 X0 Y1 Z2:4 E3
huh, no idea where that came from but that was not the issue as I ran a print with that same startup code just after this one with different models on the print surface.
@kickjaw Oh, you have too many objects.
@kickjaw as @alankilian said there is a limit to how many object on the build plate can be named which caused a bug to crash RRF before 3.4b2 it was fixed in 3.4b2:
If the slicer uses the M486 command to label objects in the GCode file, and there were more than 20 (Duet 2) or 40 (Duet 3) objects, then RRF crashed when printing the file
You can upgrade to 3.4b6 or if you would prefer to wait until 3.4 stable then you need to reduce the number of labelled objects.
Thank you, is there a way to delete the labeling so it doesn't crash? I will upgrade to the beta either way.
@t3p3tony I have upgraded to 3.4.0 b6 and I tired running a different job with a lot of objects again and it still crashed. this on had 100. is there still a limit to how many objects can be on the build plate? I reduced it to 50 and it seems to be running fine.
@kickjaw it should be OK with 100 objects, although it will only track the names and positions of the first 20, and you won't be able to cancel beyond the first 64.
Please post the GCode file with 100 objects on Dropbox or Google Drive or another file sharing site, so that I can try to reproduce it.
@dc42 Hi
Here is the file.
@kickjaw thanks, I'm running that print now on my bench setup. It's running OK so far. How long did it take to crash? Can you post a M122 report taken after the crash?
@dc42 It crashed sometime right after the wait for temperatures. I will re run and get the M122
@kickjaw please try RRF 3.4.0beta7 and see if this problem still occurs.
@kickjaw did you test RRF 3.4.0beta7 to see if this problem still occurs?
@kickjaw I'm closing this due to lack of response. Feel free to open it again if you can provide more data, using 3.4.0beta7+4 or later.
undefined dc42 marked this topic as a question
undefined dc42 has marked this topic as solved