Thermostatically controlled pwm fan not full power
I've setup a Noctua 5v PWM as my Heatsink fan. The problem is that it never blows at 100% but more like 10% or 20%. Is that a desired effect? Even when I manually set the fanspeed by putting S255 in M106 it doesn't work.
I'm using the Duet 3 mini5+ and the fan is setup like this:M950 F1 C"!out4" Q500 ; create fan 1 on pin out4 and set its frequency M106 P1 C"Heatsink fan" H1 T45 ; set fan 1 name and value. Thermostatic control is turned on
@obzocker, do you have a voltmeter, can you measure the fan voltage when it's supposed to be at 100%.
Also, are you sure that the fan is rated at 5VDC and not let's say 12VDC?
@zapta The output is 5v, as well as the fan. If I unplug the pwm and tach wire the fan blows at 100%, only when I connect them it doesn't
@obzocker how do you have the 5V connected? It sounds like you are using a 4 wire fan, but the output ports for 4 wire fans on the mini 5+ are either VIN or 12V.
@t3p3tony I'm sorry. You are correct. The Fans are 12V and are powered through the internal 12V supply. I still thought they were the same from my old setup with the Duet 2 Wifi and yes I'm using a 4 wire fan.
@obzocker please show a picture of the wiring. what is the rated current of the fan and a link to the datasheet?
This is probably not the issue, but for a 4 wire fan try
M950 F1 C"!out4+out4.tach" Q500
also note this from the documentation the speed control of a 4-wire fan is not working well, i.e. fan speed does not scale well with PWM setting, you may be able to improve the response by connecting an external pullup resistor between the PWM input and +5V. 10K ohm would be a good starting point.
@t3p3tony This is the fan:
The current is 0.04A
I will try the M950 command today, but the thing is that it only persists on "out4" in thermostatically mode. The same fan works on "out5" just fine. -
@obzocker ahh ok so does it work on out4 in non thermostatic mode?
M106 P1 H-1
M106 S1
@t3p3tony I have found the problem. I have assigned the Fan to Tool 0. PrusaSlicer always sends M107 at the beginning of every .gcode file. So the fan always got disabled.
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