Object Model - report voltage of the 5v rail?
Is there any chance the 5v rail could be reported in the Object Model like the 24v and 12v rails are? Specifically when powered by an external 5v power supply? Thanks
@oozebot i'm not sure the 5v rail is monitored
@jay_s_uk Me either, but just maybe it is and just hasn't been considered for monitoring yet..? That's our hope anyway. It would sure beat polling the SBC (in our case RPi4) to see if it's being throttled or not.
@oozebot looking at the schematic, theres no 5v monitoring
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@oozebot there is no 5V monitoring however you could setup a linear analog sensor with a appropriate voltage divider resistor network if you have a spare analog input
type linear-analog
You would then get a temperature which could be related to a voltage.