Min/Max stop switches wiring?
I'm using Duet 2 wifi. I have it all working "fine", but every once in a while I want to avoid the Y-axis running past the max value if I've disabled end stops. I want to put a microswitch that will stop the Y motors from running when it is triggered. Any ideas on how to wire and manage this?
I'm just not sure which pin(s) i should use and how to set it up in my config file.
thanks in advance for your help...
Russ from Ocala, FL, USA
btw, the pic below is an early iteration, I've upgraded many parts since then. ( many thanks to ProperPrinting for the design.)
Allowing movement outside of the printable area isn't a great idea. Other than testing there's rarely a good reason to enable it. So maybe try solving the root problem that allowing movement outside of the reachable area solves first before adding an extra switch.
However, if you still want to have an additional switch to detect an out of bounds you can just setup an endstop and use the M581 command to monitor that switch and execute an estop when it's triggered.
@rholt I understand your use case. Once the machine has been homed the axis limits will be respected. But sometimes, especially during testing or commissioning, we just want to test a motor or move a gantry without the machine having first been homed so we use M564 to allow such moves But of course there is nothing to stop us crashing the gantry into the frame.
So pic a spare end stop and wire you switch to it. Or you can use multiple switches (one for each axis) connected in series to single end stop. Then use M581. e.g. If you decided to use end stop 5 the you'd use M581 E5 S1 T0 C0 which would instigate an emergency stop whenever any switches connected to E5 trigger.