Converting a SeeMeCNC RostockMAX V3 to Duet Wifi in glorious detail…
Here is a link to my blog that goes through the conversion step by step to (hopefully) make it easy if you want to convert to Duet WiFi. There are STLs to print the RAMBo-Duet adapter and a 7" PanelDue case. There are also configuration files and links to the latest firmware on David's GitHub. Finally, I made the process easy by using what I call "pigtail" adapters to adapt the RAMBo style connectors to the Duet. You can eliminate these and simply use the Duet connectors if you choose. Finally, there is a link to my GitHub with the code and instructions to make a low cost (less than $10 US) adapter for the Rostock's HE280 accelerometer Z probe. It is based on an Adafruit 3.3V Trinket. Simple to make and it allows using Duet's excellent RepRapFirmware (aka dc42) for auto calibration and grid based compensation.
Very nice write up!
Thanks David. More to come.
Hi, I would love to follow this instruction. I already have the Duet 085 and the Panel Due 7". I guess this would be very similar to my Rostock Max V2?
If anyone is looking for a Rostock Max V3 that has already been upgraded with a Duet Wifi controller and many other upgrades, you can find one right now on ebay:
If anyone is looking for a Rostock Max V3 that has already been upgraded with a Duet Wifi controller and many other upgrades, you can find one right now on ebay:
Anyone know where that panelduo encasing is available? Can we share the stl?