Looking for electronics BoM advice
Hello and good day!
I'm popping back in again after yet another long hiatus.Finishing up the physical build on the latest addition to my workshops stable; which is another 3D printer but this time with a 4 tool changer.
What I am wondering with all the current Duet electronics; is what full array of goodies should I be gunning for to suit my build best? I haven't done a from-scratch build in a couple years due to on-going issues concerning my heart and nervous system and all the machines I have are running Duet Wifi with OLD firmwares [like June of 2018 firmware(if it works it works)]
General gist: Fully enclosed CoreXY 4 Tool changing printer with 400x300x700 print area with a 900x500x1200 footprint before factoring filament spools.
The machine is structurally built entirely from aluminum plates, milled aluminum parts, a couple milled steel parts, and aluminum extrusions. No load "bearing" part is made of plastic. Now miscellaneous stuff like mounting points for Power supplies and all are 3D printed but any structural piece and any part of the motion system is made from aluminum or steel. All the parts are already made so there is little room for flexibility/changes at this stage.-
CoreXY motors (2)
3 Z motors
Endstop mounted to gantry carriage that is used for homing Z and probing Z.
1 endstop attached to each Tool Docking location to use for safety check (kind of need help on figuring out the config to have machine do a safety check to see if/what tool is being held so that it can determine if it needs to park a tool before homing/probing/etc) (So, 4 endstops here)
4 Extruders (Bondtech BMGs)
-> 2 driving mosquitos
-> 1 driving standard E3D V6 for supports/miscellaneous materials
->1 driving an E3D Volcano
-> means 4 more hot end fans as well -
4 Berd Air setups for nozzle cooling
Probably sensorless homing on XY but not sure on that. Mounting locations have been pre built though in case i go to physical endstops. (entire machine is built from aluminum plates/milled parts/extrusions so the build is somewhat set in stone now)
Tool changer motor (its basically using the E3D setup for their backplate/changer with everything forward of the servo plate being rebuilt and modified from ground-up to suit my needs)
12V Water cooling pump controlled by a relay triggered by the board for cooling XY stepper motors
Older PanelDue i5 (think I bought it in 2019 when I first started this project before health went sour)
Keenovo heatpad 110v (400mm x 300mm)
Bunch of miscellaneous Fans for cooling electronics and the likes
Probably missing a few things that are slipping from my thoughts at the moment
I'm a big noob with the newer electronics for one and have been away from the 3D printer game for a long while besides just operating my existing machines for whatever work comes my way. I was looking at Duet 3 since its the latest and greatest and using the Toolboards mounted to the back of each stepper BUT I am not sure if I have the room to mount it without hitting the brackets (if pancake is 25mm body depth or I use spacers to make the Toolboard be at least 25mm away from where the motor mounts to the carrier plate then I am good for clearance but it does mean losing my cooling fins on the the stepper)
Thanks and much appreciation for anyone that chimes in to help! Just don't want to overbuy on electronics and have like a grand worth of Duet electronics tossed together randomly if it is not necessary or is redundant.
@zakfarias what motors are you using on XYZ
Just the usual Nema17s that I've always run. Don't remember the specs offhand since I just have a massive box of identical ones but they are on the higher end for torque specs and as such are a bit larger. But not like I am running Nema23s or Servos.
@zakfarias said in Looking for electronics BoM advice:
Endstop mounted to gantry carriage that is used for homing Z and probing Z.
What exactly do you mean by that?
I install frame mounted endstop sensors for X, Y, Z for homing.
I install a Z probe mounted with the hotend used for leveling the bed and creating height maps for mesh compensation.
Since the machine is a tool changing machine with 4 Tools; the gantry carriage is designed such that you have to home Z without a tool mounted (all tools in their parking docks)
This is similar to the E3D Tool changer design mechanically since that machine was the original root inspiration when I started this years ago.
Intention is to have machine home XY and then check if a Tool is mounted via the endstops on the docking points (still need to figure out firmware side of this)
If a tool is mounted then park it before homing Z
else if continue to homing Z at the predefined homing location.This same endstop will also be used for auto leveling/mesh probing the Z-stage (3 independent Z motors control the Z)
After which it can then pick up whatever Tool is needed and do the print job (Tools nozzles hang below the Gantry carriage) Just means I have to get a pretty precise reading for Toolhead offset for Z axis rather than having a probe on each individual Tool.
@zakfarias an alternative way to ask the question, what current do you intend to use for XYZ.
@t3p3tony Ah okay just pulled up the BoM spreadsheet for one of my older machines to double check; 2A 84oz and I usually run them around 1.3A and never beyond 1.5A since since I like to cap at 75%
@zakfarias ah ok, in that case you could use a mini 5+ for X,Y, Z Z Z and the toolboards for the tools.