Duet3Mini 5+ pin connections for LCD_RST and SPI2CS3
Hey there - I was wondering if anyone could give me some insight into physical pinouts on the Duet3 Mini.
I'm looking at the D3's EXP1 and 2, and particularly the 2 pins in the title -
For a majority of pins on the D3 mini, I've been able to glean their MCU connections from RRF3 firmware (seriously, I
all of the work that was put into mapping it out in firmware for people like me who poke around doing other things) but I cannot for the life of me find the LCD_RST pin or anything that seems like it. Does LCD_RST have a physical connection to another pin somewhere? is it just not mapped? - looking to see where it actually goes.
As for SPI2_CS3 - Its probably me not understanding the ins and outs of how SPI works, but if anyone could point me in the right direction as well, that'd be appreciated.
LCD_RST is just connected to a pullup resistor to +3.3V on the Duet 3 Mini version 0.5 and later. We haven't found it necessary to send a reset signal to the LCD.
SPI supports multiple devices using the same MOSI, MISO and SCLK signals. Each slave device has its own CS signal. The one whose CS signals is driven low is the one that responds to SCLK and MOSI and (maybe) drives MISO.
@dc42 said in Duet3Mini 5+ pin connections for LCD_RST and SPI2CS3:
For both, thanks!
Means I just need a new LCD. All good! Thank you!
@luke-slaboratory, why do you need a new LCD?
I was testing out the remaining unmapped features/parts of my Klipper conversion for the Duet3 mini, and wanted to see if I could hook up a reprap display i had laying around vs the 12864 that's explicitly allowed in the docs.
Learning exercise for me, I appreciate the input.