Faulty temperature reading dyze PT100 temperature sensor
Hi all,
I in my setup I use a temperature sensor from dyze design "(https://dyzedesign.com/shop/accessories/pt100-temperature-sensor-2/) in combination with the duet PT100 daughter board https://reprapworld.nl/products/elektronica/duet3d/duet3d_pt100_dochterbord_voor_duet/?f=gs&f=gs&mkwid=sjLTzh2Ni_dc|pcrid|301315843193|pkw||pmt||slid||prid|1835&pgrid=58873543863&ptaid=aud-393449453680:pla-296303633664&gclid=CjwKCAiAsaOBBhA4EiwAo0_AnBxHJtcMnphw3kXYygT7jeHICZcpqpKWrRIYcuaMbR6UNsz_4gclgRoCZnIQAvD_BwE
I chose these options as it seemed that it would gave me the best precision and I really like the M5 thread as I make my own hot ends witch than can be easily changed.
However, at room temperature the sensor gives a reading that is 7 degrees above the actual temperature (based on the bed thermistor and the temperature sensor in my room.
it does this when connected to my hot end with a lot of wiring in-between but when minimilize the wiring in between it stays the same..
Is there a setting I should change?
Max -
Assuming that the sensor is good, a reading 7C too high means you have about 3 ohms resistance in the wiring between the sensor and the PT100 daughter board. You have a couple of options:
Change the wiring and connectors between the sensor and the daughter board to have lower resistance. Each ohm of resistance will increase the reading by about 2.5C.
Close to the sensor, change to a 4-wire connection and run those 4 wires back to the PT100 board. See section "Hot end wiring" at https://miscsolutions.wordpress.com/2016/06/25/more-delta-printer-upgrades-wifi-and-silence/ for an example.
Thanks for your fast reply. I have not yet been able to try to use the 4 wires solution. However, I think it is not in the cables, but maybe a faulty sensor / daughter board as it also showed a wrong measurement if I plug in the sensor directly in the daughter board without the wiring that I use in my end setup.
I was also wondering if there is a way to just subtract 7 of the value the screen displays.
Max -
@Tricep-terry, if you connect the 100 ohm resistor supplied with the daughter board to the two middle places of the terminal block in place of the sensor, what reading do you get?