bad bed adhesion on one side after rff3 upgrade
Do you use mesh compensation? Do you have an example heightmap image? Does it show a tilt?
Havent used mesh bed levelling in some time now because it always worked without it.
I did some test with mesh bed activated, but it didnt make a difference. -
M308 S0 P"bedtemp" Y"thermistor" T100000 B4138 ; configure sensor 0 as thermistor on pin bedtemp
M308 S1 P"e0temp" Y"thermistor" T100000 B4138 ; configure sensor 1 as thermistor on pin e0tempyour thermistor setting is incorrect. find the correct beta value in your thermistor documentation.
Can you show the heightmap on a more oblique angle? Dead on makes it hard to see the surface relief.
which sensor (Z-probe) is used ? maybe this is the fault ? I had such a similar problem with the optical sensor of DC on the green gfk print surface. The values were sometimes good and then again bad and partly implausible ! Only after switching to BlTouch did I have reproducible values.
@Veti youre right. i corrected the beta, but i dont see a difference in heated behavior
@wummelfrosch i use the smart effector, has served me well so far. and reproducibility is good as far as i can judge it.
See if you can identify any issues by comparing your heightmap to these.
@Phaedrux yes, i remember this post. it looks like the examples where one tower is different from the others. but endstop adjustment during g32 should be simple enough, or what could throw off the calibration algo that much?
I'm afraid that's the extent of my delta knowledge.
Best I can suggest is to go through the setup and calibration guides carefully and ensure the build is accurate. it appears to be fairly level, but oddly bumpy and maybe bowled a bit.
that looks a bit like a ripple effect that is caused by backlash.
check the belts and pulleys. -
Yes maybe backlash. @sungod3k can you provide a screen shot showing an isometric view?