Tips to mitigate vertical artifacting Duet 2 Wifi
Yeah definitely looking like VFA. Upping your natural steps per mm on XY would be a good next step.
The 0.9 motors might have helped a bit, but I think this is as good as it's going to get. 1.8 on the right 0.9 on the left.
Did you end up playing with a range of jerk (instantaneous speed change) values? I've found that certain values of jerk are much worse than others for artifacts like this. Obviously, the amount of acceleration plays a role, too.
Try a test of ranges of jerk values with a range of acceleration values, too. I almost forgot to mention feedrate. Try a combination of different jerk, accel, and feedrates.
dc42 has on his list to implement some alternative to "jerk" (not real jerk, but you know what we mean) similar to junction deviation. After finally learning what junction deviation actually is and how exactly it works -- I'm convinced that I would like to try it! It might alleviate problems like this: weird motion on curves.
@bot I have made a few changes, my settings are pretty low at the moment, but I could setup a test and try different ranges.
@brotherchris it's not exactly putting them low that makes the best results -- it's just finding the right combination. For me, for example, 4, 5, 6, and 7 mm/s jerk produces worse results than 8 mm/s. In some tests. It's hard to figure out, but sometimes you find a combination that works magically. Heh. It's my method for now: guess and check.
@bot lol, guess and check is my thing! Testing now, I will see if I can find a combo. Thanks for the tips.
Well, I am going to take that back. The single wall prints are much improved by the 0.9 steppers. Top one is before.
Chris, fan of your videos and appreciate your contributions to the community.
One question, can you do a single wall test with varying line widths? For instance, 0 to 9.8mm at .4 mm width, 10 to 19.8 .42mm width, etc. In the past, I’ve found vertical or diagonal lines like this caused by inconsistent extrusion and can point to an issue with your extruder. If you perform a single wall test with extrusion parameters that vary at different heights and the angle of the diagonal lines changes, there could be an issue with inconsistent extrusion.
The key is to see if the angle of the diagonal line artifacts changes with varying extrusion parameters.
hi chris.
i presume that you have done the mechanical checks.
corexy are very susceptible to problems in the belt path.- bad pulleys
- toothed belt on smooth pulley
- belts not parallel
also check for slight belt twisting when the direction of movement of the belt changes.
16 tooth pulley can improve the effect from switching from 1.8 to 0.9 pulleys further.
@Veti I have been over it many times and I am still running belts over smooth pullies. That is my next move. I need to find some toothed pullies that will fit my setup. I am currently using flanged bearings.
@mwolter Thank you! That's an interesting thought. I will setup a test and see what happens.
If you are running them over F623zz then finding a good tooth pulley will be hard.
the only thing that comes close are Gates Powergrip2GT Idlers, buy they are 5mm ID.
@Veti Yeah, that kind of sucks. I have been looking for alternatives all morning, but 5mm bore is about my only option. I really didn't want to go down that small. I am determined to find some sort of work around.
what quality are your F623zz ? for a corexy they should be ABEC-3 or above.
i am going to test these myself once they arrive.
but i dont have high hopes -
@Veti I am actually using F688ZZ. Not sure the grade.
@brotherchris said in Tips to mitigate vertical artifacting Duet 2 Wifi:
closest thing i can find is
but its 6mm bore -
@Veti I am trying 16 tooth idlers like this on my kossel delta, but have bought some 6x2.5x3mm bore bearings, and pressed 3 into each idler. You clamp the idler firmly (not possible with the original 2 bearing idlers), but you need 3mm bore washers that are 4.5mm diameter to do this. Will be interesting to see if they last longer.
@brotherchris said in Tips to mitigate vertical artifacting Duet 2 Wifi:
@Veti Yeah, that kind of sucks. I have been looking for alternatives all morning, but 5mm bore is about my only option. I really didn't want to go down that small. I am determined to find some sort of work around.
It seems you think 5mm is too small. Why do you think that is so?
@fcwilt It's not that I think it's too small, I just wanted a little larger hardware on this setup.