RepPanel - A DIY alternative to the PanelDue with WiFi support
Display is Here! Works too! Will make a final PCB Design tomorrow!
@PCR Excellent!
PCB is Ready. Please Upvote this Post so i can see how many i will order!
Price should be about 4 € + Shipping
Then you only need
- ESP32 ( This one got the Battery circuit onboard. I added a switch to the PCB if you want to turn off the RepPanel with the Battery
- The display.
*2x20 Pin Male Connector ( Thinking about including it)
I'd certainly be interested in grabbing a couple of PCB's for this. I have several Duet powered printers
This post is deleted! -
@PCR Count me in for one, 2x20 pins would be helpful
send me details of how to pay and cost of shipping to 96744 USA
@PCR Count me in for two. Please let me know an estimate of shipping to 60515 USA. Thanks for doing this!
Tempting; whats the deadline?
Orderd some with extra spares! Hopefully my tracing is right. Will write when they are here!
Yes, I'm interested
ATTENTION I tested the PCB. The Screen freezes after some time. I suspect a Software Problem. I am using RRF 3.2. So this could be the problem due to oiverloading etc. If someone smarter than me could look at the code it would be awesome! Till then buy at your own risk!Edit: Solved. You need atleast one filament file on the duet
Drop me a PM if you want one! It comes without the ESP Modul, without the GPIO Header/Paneldue, without the Display --> Blank PCB
PCB 4€
GPIO and Paneldue header 1€
ESP32 preflashed 8€ ( i could not use the ESP32 Lolin lite because of not enough pins)
Display you have to buy yourself -
The PCB with the Display as a .STEP. If someone wants to make a Case!
Finally got this going, thanks to @PCR s PCB -- very nice. Accidentally invented the sandwich design where the ESP32 sits between the PCB and the display -- makes for a sleek setup. I'll look into making a case for this (-:
I think I need to do two or three things to the code to make this cover my use case -- babystepping during printing, ordering of macros (at least show the numbered macros first like on PanelDue), and maybe one or two other things (-:
@oliof Great to see you finally got it working. I agree on the macro/job ordering thing. Shouldn't be a big deal.
I do not think I'll invest the time into implementing babystepping. Once you dialed the bed in you really never ever need babystepping in my opinion.
@seeul8er I might take a stab at it, some of my printers aren't holding their level super well.
Got distracted ....
Will print a first version tonight...
@oliof Nice. What CAD software are you using?
@droftarts I am currently
fightinglearning FreeCAD. -
@oliof Ahhh, I thought it didn't look like Solidworks or Fusion 360. FreeCAD is on my list of things to do. Did you compile yourself, or are you using one of the releases? Windows, Linux or Mac? (I've heard the Linux version is the best?)
Sorry for thread hijack!