Ibuy trianglelab dde dirctdrive what ineed to add to my config

Thnks for the help I have ender 3 pro
Which bits have been changed from the original configuration? Whole hotend, heater, temperature sensor, filament drive, stepper motor, part cooling fan?
Original machine is bowden tube isn't it? So at least e-steps, pressure advance, and retraction will need tuning.
also if you are using the probe, you will need to configure that as well.
be aware that that kind of probe wants a steel surface. -
Regards probe steel is ideal, but aluminium is acceptable with a reduction in trigger height. A 4mm sense distance will only work with a build surface stuch directly on the alloy heated bed. I use 8mm which trigger ~0.7mm above a 3mm sheet of glass.
@DocTrucker thnks for your help i change from original ender 3 hotend With bl touch
So ineed only change my bl offset and e steps, Nothing for the hotend heater? -
you will need to pid tune the hotend.also the nozzle position will be different. so you need to adjust the 0,0 position of the bed
@DocTrucker what about the motor current?
@Veti thnks and what about motor current?
the ender 3 motor is E: 42x40 1.8deg 1.0A
whats the new motor? -
@Veti nema 17-23 this is all electronic
that doesnt help
assuming its this one
https://de.aliexpress.com/item/32768043304.htmlthen its the same current rating
@Veti yes this is the same one